Sunday, September 13, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up: Sept. 13th edition

It's time for our Weekly Wrap-Up sponsored by Kris over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

Our week was good! We figured out some things that what were confusing us, read some great books, learned some interesting facts, and survived the first soccer game of the season.


Thanks to some helpful bloggers, we figured out how to get started on Grapevine Study's Stick Figuring Through the Bible. Mackenzie is LOVING it! She thinks it's the most fun ever! That's always a great way to feel about your Bible lesson. We're just working through the time for the first two weeks, so we're continuing with our Sonlight Bible as they wrote it.

I think, however, once we start the more detailed Grapevine lesson that something will have to give. My plan is to use the Grapevine lesson as our main lesson and she'll continue with her Sonlight Bible readings . We'll be dropping the teacher-led Sonlight readings. We're using the New Testament Grapevine Study and that seems to be what Sonlight's teacher-led lessons were covering too, so it will work out nicely. We might just have a few early repeats.


We're working on multiplying by 10's this week. That was a piece of cake for Mackenzie. I'm anxious to get into the harder multiplication facts because Math-U-See always has really neat methods for helping the students master facts. They generally make me laugh and wonder why I never thought of that. LOL

Language Arts:

We're still reading The Secret of the Andes for our read aloud. We're really enjoying that fact that the read alouds this year, coincide with what we're studying in history. Mackenzie has even noticed. LOL

Mackenzie's reader was A Lion to Guard Us. She like it so much she finished it early.

In grammar we were studying adjectives. Even I learned something new, sort of. I found it interesting that an apostrophe can turn a noun into an adjective. I've always known how to use an apostrophe but I never thought about them changing a word into a different part of speech.

Mackenzie is also working on memorizing the poem The Land of Nod by Robert Louis Stevenson. She pretty much has it down, it just needs a little polishing.


We are continuing to study the body in science. We focused on things pertaining to the lungs and breathing. For our animal study we learned about zebras and bush babies. Bush babies are just so cute!!!

Social Studies:

We are now studying the Aztecs. We are reading Incans, Aztecs and Mayans. The book is pretty blunt about how the tribes lived, so I was a tad concerned about whether or not it would be too much for Mackenzie. She was properly horrified with the "ugly" parts but didn't dwell on them. I'm pretty certain that, if asked, she'd tell you the most interesting thing that she learned was how the Aztec matchmakers carried the brides to the grooms house. She thought that was hysterical.


We still need to add in our art and Spanish. I've been scheduling art twice a week but we haven't gotten to it. Spanish we haven't added at all yet. I think we'll start that next week.

We had our first soccer game of the season and we got creamed. We were playing the best team in the league, so we weren't too surprised. But the kids did manage to score two goals on them so we call that a major victory.

I got lots of great pictures of the game. 643 to be exact. Don't worry! I'm not posting them all. LOL

Here we have Mackenzie "testing" Kayleigh's Tot School activity. LOL


  1. Soccer! So much fun for the kids. Don't you just love ditigal cameras! You can take 1000 pictures if you want. Sounds like a good week. Hope things are going well, and prayers for your hubby.

  2. Wow you had a great full week. I love how readers coincide with the history, it really helps cement the information. I love your photos!! How did you do that??

  3. Isn't it funny what they remember? Logan would totally remember that part too! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. Cute blog. I've seen Tot School mentioned before, but after reading some of your other posts, I think I'll give it a try. The days when the youngest are here are almost a wash for the eldest anyway so I might as well concentrate on him.

  5. Great week! A Lion to Guard Us is my youngest's (6) read aloud right now and we are enjoying it.

  6. Looks like a great week. I keep thinking about trying those grapevine studies but haven't yet. Hmmm...

  7. Great week! I haven't had time to write my wrap-up yet. I can't believe you took 643 pictures at a soccer game! WOW!


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