Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tot School

Tot School

Kayleigh is currently 19 months

Well our third week of Tot School is behind us. While we didn't finishe all of our "planned" activities, we had lots of fun. We continued our farm theme and worked on our shapes and colors. Kayleigh's attention span was very short this week. She must have cabin fever because of all the rain that kept us in the house.

Be sure to check out what the other Tots are doing over at Carisa's.


  1. You're doing a great job with her, Stef! I love her smile in the painting the pig picture. She looks likes she's just having sooo much fun!

  2. I really like your shape stacker--what kind is it?

    Her cow and pig pictures are adorable.

    How on earth did you get her to fall asleep like that so quickly:-)? Too cute.

    You had a great week. I love how you do your Tot School posts.

  3. I love how you decorated the cow and pig! So neat!

  4. I love the pink circle stamps on the pig. I never thought about making a song cool!!!!

  5. Wow. She was really out. Amazing.

    I was wondering what is your song book?

  6. I was wondering about your song book too. I'd love to put one together. I love how you set up your pics on your blog.


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.