Friday, August 14, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up: August 14

We got a lot accomplished this week and had time for fun too!

In math Mackenzie started multiplication. This weeks focus was 1's and 0's. Mackenzie declared it "easy." Just as I thought. LOL

Here she is with her "math teacher", Mr. Demme.

We are studying animals in science. We covered elephants earlier in the week. Mackenzie pretendedo be an elephant. She was eager to squash the "bugs off her backside" like the elephants do.

We also studying kangaroos. We consider ourselves kanga experts, having spent a lot of time with the creatures when we were in Australia a few years ago. On this day we made Kenzie a mama-Roo and gave her a pouch and a "baby Roo". Then we took a walk down memory lane and looked at some of our old photos from Australia.

Do you see the resemblance?

In history we are continuing to study Native Americans and we started learning about Columbus. We are still reading Walk the World's Rim and The Corn Grows Ripe. We also started reading Pedro's Journey, a book about Columbus.

Here are some of Mackenzie's favorite history activities.

Mapping Native American tribes in N. America, courtesy of Winter Promise.

Notebooking what she thought Columbus saw when he discovered land, again courtesy of Winter Promise.

Mapping the route Columbus traveled, courtesy of Knowledge Quest Maps. I don't know why it's sideways. That's not how I saved it. LOL

First Language Lessons and Writing with Ease went well, as always. I decided to skip spelling this week.

We also had time for some fun in the sun. We went to the water park with friends and invaded our friend's community pool.

Next we're off to North Carolina to visit Grandpa and Grandma.

ETA: I forgot to post about Kayleigh's week.

Baby Gym went well. She had fun playing and learned a few new skills. She ever shared a ball with a friend. Usually she snatches them.

Art, however, isn't going as smoothly. LOL


  1. What a fun week! I love the photos from Australia! Studying Native Americans is something that we've really enjoyed in the past. Love the map you colored.

  2. Oh, but Art sure looks like it tasted good! The weather here in NC has been nice the latter part of this week, I hope it holds for your visit.

  3. Don't you adore Math-U-See? It's wonderful.

    I love Kangaroos! They are amazing animals. We watched an Imax video on them once. Did you know that they can "pause" their pregnancy in times of famine or drought?? Amazing!

  4. Looks like a fun week, thanks for sharing it!

  5. Fun, fun, fun! The art program we use is called Atelier Art Attack. It is a DVD program. A little on the pricey side, but it lasts for an entire year and lets me include both kids even with the age and ability differences. Thanks for sharing your week. Have a great trip!

  6. Quite a fun week -- and how wonderful to have that trip to Australia & the up-close interaction with kangaroos to remember!

  7. We use Math U See too. I love having the DVD teacher, since I don't feel very confident about teaching math!


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