Sunday, August 9, 2009

Not-Back-to-School Blog Hop: School Room Week


It's time for another edition of Darcy's Not-Back-to-School Blog Hop.

This week were are supposed to blog about our school rooms, so here's mine.

We are very blessed to have a room just for school in this house. That being said, we aren't in it that much. We do most of our school in the living/dining room.

The number one reason is that the wee babe, for whatever reason, is very disagreeable in this room. We have toys and activities that are just for this room and yet she's fussy.

I guess it's alright for now. The couch is better for snuggling with a good book anyway.


  1. I just can't tell you how much I love red walls! My kitchen has red too, but not quite that dark. What kind of math manipulatives do you use?

  2. I love your room! It looks like you have everything at your fingertips. Hopefully the little one will change her mind :)

  3. Great room! Love Sonlight! Have a great year!

  4. We're doing Sonlight Core 3 too this year... and Math U See is a favorite!

    I love how you labeled everything all over your room... very cool!

    I'm sorry the little one doesn't like it much, but I have to say my little one doesn't like ours much either. I will school in there for an hour and then let my older boys do seatwork and take my 2 yr old upstairs to the playroom for some 1 on 1 time. He love it upstairs!

  5. I love your schoolroom! It's gorgeous! The wall color is absolutely beautiful.

  6. I love your school room! I have to agree that the couch is often more comfortable. I wish we had room for one in our room :) I love the red walls. I wish I would get a bit gutsy and just go for some color!!

  7. I like the way you labeled the scary file cabinet! LOL

  8. I have found myself with a lovely school room but still doing school in the dining room situation as well. It led me to give up the school room altogether and just set up a school area in our large dining room/family room area. Thanks for sharing on the Blog Hop.

  9. My living room walls are painted red. I love red! We use our school room a lot but you can still find the kids scattered about the house at any given time. But I would say that the bulk of our school takes place in our school room. Come on over and take a peek.

  10. Oops thats the wrong link for my website. Goodness what a shock that was! Click on my name here and it will take you to the right one.

  11. Thanks for sharing. I love how you've used the filing cabinet front what a fun idea.

  12. Wow. It looks great to me. Mac is really growing up fast. So pretty.

  13. Looks great! We are Sler's too

  14. We do a lot of school on the couch too, it just works :) I LOVE your red walls, gorgeous!


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