Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Life. In Pictures. Session 2/Day 4

Today's Challenge...Something that you're proud of. That was easy! My incrediably brave husband and daughters, of course.

Join the challenge over at Everything But the Grill.


  1. What an AMAZING picture!! It says so much. It certainly brought tears to my eyes. Your husband we are all proud of and thankful for..

  2. Perfect picture!! I agree... We should all be proud of and thankful for your husband.

  3. Yes, the two above we can ALL be proud of him... and YOU for holding your family together!

  4. Yes, thanks to you all! I am proud of and forever grateful for families like yours!

  5. This one kills me just looking at it. YOU are brave to be married to someone in the military. Thank God for all of you.


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.