Friday, August 7, 2009

My Life. In Pictures. Session 2 Day 5

Today's challenge is Black and White.

My subject is my beautiful daughter, Mackenzie. I was torturing her with her first day of 3rd grade photos. This is the least squinty of the batch. The instant she sees a camera her eyes start squinting and closing, no matter where the light is.

On this particular day, the light was behind her. Yes, I know that's the wrong thing to do but I wanted a shot with her eyes open. But, alas, she squinted for every shot as if the sun was shining directly in her face. Sigh...

Join in the photo fun over at Everything Except the Grill.


  1. Is she as sweet as she looks in this picture?

  2. That is such a sweet and beautiful photo...perfect for remembering such an important day!

  3. She is beautiful!

    Thanks for playing along with us!


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