Wednesday, March 22, 2006

If I could turn back time...

It's been a loooong day.  Started out okay, then Mackenzie started with her attitude and complaining.  I lost it and behaved like a monster, yelling and doing everything that I know is wrong when dealing with her. Definately a bad mommy moment!

I hate days like this.  I'm grateful for the correction I received from my Father (Your own soul is nourished when you are kind, but you destroy yourself when you are cruel. Proverbs 11: 17) and we ended the day on a positive note.

We ended the evening with a random tea party even though I was exhausted after teaching dance for 3 hours.  

On the bright side, it's Thursday evening and we're right on track for school.  Haven't fallen behind in anything so far.  Not even science!!!

And we got Wednesday evening off, AWANA was cancelled.  I was thrilled.  I like AWANA  but I have no week nights to myself so it was a real treat for me.  A friend invited us on an outing with his family but I declined.  I stayed home, put on my jammies, and did nothing.

Sheesh, you'd think that having the night off would've put me in a better mood for today. LOL

I guess I'll end this with something cute my daughter said today.  I love how little kids mess up words and pronounce things.  My dd wanted a snack and asked for a "CRANBERRY Cream Egg."  I get a thrill everytime she says that. LOL 

Another favorite saying, "ear muscles" for head phones. I have no idea where she came up with that one. DH tried to correct her once but I put a stop to that immediately.  LOL


  1. Hey, Stef, it's me, Heather. What is a Mother's T.R.E.K.? What does that stand for?

  2. It stands for totally random events with kids.

  3. Please spread the word...

    In Him,


  4. Joey calls headphones GOGGLES!ROTFL!!!!!!!!!


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