Thursday, March 23, 2006

A tour of Guam

In case anyone is interested, I thought I'd share some of our exeriences on Guam with you.  I have billion more but this should do for now. LOL

Our first day on Guam.  We arrived at night so we had to wait til morning to look out and see what was out there.  The view from our hotel balcony was impressive.

Mackenzie's first time in the Phillipine Sea

Mackenzie at a local park during Guam Liberation Month

Enjoying one of the beaches on the base

One of Guam's Motto's: Guam, it rains a lot, even during dry season.

Thanksgiving in Guam

Christmas in the tropics


A rough life, no? 


  1. Guam looks so beautiful! Is it like Hawaii without all the tourists? How would you describe it? Touristy? A place to visit with kids? Keep posting your experiences and photos in case I never get there!


  2. I forgot the beauty there. And I've seen most of those photos.

  3. Thanks for sharing, it makes me want to go on vacation there.

    You daughter is beautiful.

    God bless,


  4. CreativeHomeschoolingMarch 24, 2006 at 4:13 PM

    I loved looking at the pictures. My dh once was talking to someone about a possible job in Guam..I didn't even know at that where Guam was. I loved the tropical Christmas picts.

    Jennie von Eggers

  5. These pictures are BEAUTIFUL!!!!

    I just wanted to stop by because you had put "CHCHC Notification" in your comments and I just wanted to be sure that you wanted to be notified of the posts. Please email me ( and let me know if you (that way I have your email from that... there were more than one of you who did this, and I just don't have the time to find everyone's email addresses out, and also want to make sure that you want the notifications).

    Blessings to you and yours! I'm excited for our Challenge!

    In Him,


  6. I had some dear Navy friends that were assigned to go to Guam and the wife ABSOLUTELY did not want to go. She had the entire church praying and urged her husband to do everything in his power to make the Navy change his assignment. In the end they were sent to Jacksonville instead.

    Through it all, I never prayed how she wanted me to pray. As much as I loved her, I disagreed with her attitude and wondered what blessings she might miss out on by digging in her heels and refusing to go. I guess I'll never fully understand, not being in her shoes, but from these pictures, I can see some of the blessings she missed out on (even though the Lord DID bless them in Jacksonville).

  7. I had this whole new entry all typed out regarding your question about how I would describe guam. Then I it post and the cable went out and I lost it. Wahhh! I'll have to recreate it again.

  8. ....your advent candle idea. That is to cool.

    I can't go to your blog when my Elizabeth is nearby, she'll want to know when she can play with your daughter.

    Your book list is something else I'm borrowing.

    God bless,


  9. WOW! What incredible pictures! Enjoy your time in Guam...I'm sure it will go quickly!



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