Saturday, October 13, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up: The One With a New School Room

It's been a while since I've done a Weekly Wrap-Up. Mostly because there hasn't been much to wrap-up. With Mackenzie's recent diagnosis and our new house, school work has been reduced to the bare bones (bible, math, grammar) with a massive "science unit" in the form of diabetes education.

But now that the house is 95% unpacked and we've got a grip on the counting of carbs and the injection of insulin, we're ready to start back up.  And we're a tad excited because we get to do school in our awesome new school room. We just love it!

Introducing the new home of the Sonlight Academy of Girls.

Linking to: The Weekly Wrap-Up, Photo Collage Friday, Homeschool Mother's Journal


  1. It's so beautiful!! And clean and organized!!

  2. Love it!! Where are the pictures of the rest of the new house? Did I miss them??

  3. Beautiful! Clean and organized makes my heart pitter patter. I hope you have a fun and productive year in your spacious new room!

  4. Beautiful room. I wish we had the extra room in our home to be able to do this. It looks so orderly!!! Enjoy it.

  5. That is one beautiful & well-organized room! Nice work!!!


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