Thursday, October 11, 2012

F is for... For Real?

As in, "Is this kid For real?"

This kid being the small one, Kayleigh. The one with a whole lot of attitude and stubbornness. Not to mention the crazy that is in her.  Here are some of her antics this week.

Number 1

I try to unpack all the boxes from our move, she does this...

Apparently she was trying to entertain me while I unpacked. Except that she needed me to place the last dish on her hand so I couldn't get much unpacking done.

Number 2

Mommy wants to take a picture. Pose for me.

Seriously? What are they showing her on Disney Jr.? And no, I don't think she's funny.

Number 3

There are no words... You'll just have to hit play and see for yourself.



  1. That's pure talent!! Thank you for a good laugh this morning.

  2. That girl...she just cracks me up! I think you're gonna have your hands full with that one! LOL She's just too cute for words...

  3. And now for something completely different... an absolutely adorable little girl with a recorder in her nose!

    She is so precious and funny!

  4. Awesome! Very talented recorder musician! LOL

  5. Funny!

    I'm glad my kids were not in the room when I played the video or we would be having repeat performance. I have 3 kids and therefore 3 recorders. One of them would have tried 2 at once.

  6. So funny! Looks like something my daughter would do.

  7. I think my youngest is a little bit older than yours, but I think we may be having the same sort of week. I was trying to unpack clothes in her bedroom earlier and she wouldn't stop mooing.

  8. LOLOL! That is a new one that I will NOT be showing my kiddos. I can just see them at CC, playing their tin whistle with their nose. HAHA! She looks like Fun :)

  9. Oh my goodness! That is so hilarious! Thanks for sharing that. :)

  10. Hahaha! I never would've thought of using my nose to play a recorder! Smarty pants.

  11. Wow, you definitely have to give her credit for creativity! Too funny!


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