Tuesday, July 24, 2012

I just have to take a minute...

too brag about my biggest baby.

She finished a painting that she's been working on in art class and it's simply fabulous!

Here's a closer look. It's going to be featured in my new bedroom when we move. Isn't it awesome???

Proud Mama moment over, now back to your regularly scheduled lives.

P.S. If you didn't know, I'm cleaning off my book shelves and giving away curriculum that I no longer need. This week's give away is Mudpies and Magnets, it ends 7/29. Check it out!


  1. Very well done, Mackenzie! And I'm sure it will look great in your room, Stefanie :)

  2. This is beautiful! She did such a wonderful job! I know you are very proud and she looks like she is too, as you both should be!

  3. Awww, she did a fantastic job!! ...And that's coming from a former art teacher. ;-)

  4. That is excellent work! Very brag-worthy!

  5. wow! that is beautiful!

    great job, Mackenzie!

  6. That's really nice!!!
    Lizzie Tos crew


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