Saturday, April 7, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up: Two Weeks Worth

This week's wrap-up is going to be a two-for-one since I didn't get around to writing one last week.  I'm not sure why. It could've been because life was too busy or maybe it was because I was lazy.  I can't remember. LOL

In Our Homeschool...

The last two weeks, Mackenzie has been wrapping up our study on China.  We will be moving on to Mongolia next.  We were actually supposed to start that yesterday but we fizzled out before we got to history. lol  Since we're having another semi-Spring break next week, we'll just hold off until then. Next week will be another review items only week.  Oh how I love being able to run school the way that I want.

It's been a couple of weeks since we've worked on our Apologia science.  With two science items to review, something had to give.  Although one of items also covers the body so that's been fun.  Here's a pick of what Mackenzie has been doing.

Apparently it's the season for two.  We're also reviewing two writing programs at the moment.  Although I'm in the middle of writing one of the reviews so we'll be back down to just one writing program, much to Mackenzie's relief.  She hates writing. lol  Although she can't complain too much.  I let her do one on the computer and the latest hasn't really had a lot of writing yet.  Mostly just games so far.

Math is going.  We are finally past the half-way point.  Shew.  We'd be almost finished if we hadn't reviewed so many math programs this year.  What we learned from all of that is that the program that we are using was definitely the one for us.

Places We've Been...

I think I just realized why I didn't get around to last weeks Wrap-Up.  Busch Gardens was exhausting.  lol

We hit the zoo.  To the right was the best part. Ha, ha, ha!!!  I'm going back and I'm going to sit there until I see that thing spray.  Camera ready.  Even if it takes all. day.  long.  lol   URINE DANGER!!! Stay alert people!!!  <3

And here's a peek at some of our other zoo fun.

We also made our first trip of the year to Busch Gardens.  Gotta get our riding in before the schools get out for summer. It was a perfect day.  The weather was beautiful and the crowds were few.

In Our Life This Week...

We continue to stalk the building of our new house.  Not only did we go up there Friday, Saturday, and Sunday last weekend, I went again on Monday.  Mackenzie's piano lesson was moved to her teacher's house and we just happened to be driving by...what else could we do?

Last weekend it looked liked this.  ------------------>
The put it the footings and such.  It seems so small and it's hard to imagine how the layout will fit in there. LOL  We also had to go and pick out the cabinets, flooring, counters, etc.  Sooo. Hard. To. Do.

I have serious issues being able to visualize what something will look like from staring at a little square of granite or wood.  To pick out the exterior brick/siding I had to drive around the neighborhood and write down an address and tell them that's what I want for my house.  I guess we'll find out if it looks good once it's all in. lol  I hope so.

This week it looked like this... It's so neat to watch it progress.  I was thinking there wouldn't be any changes since we're not closing until October so they could take their time.

My Favorite Thing This Week Was...

Watching Mackenzie show Kayleigh all the history pockets that she's made over the years.  For thirty minutes that sat nicely being kind to one another.  Praise God!



  1. They're moving right along with your new home! How exciting! I bet you can't wait to be moved in!

    And sure, come on down for the next tea! LOL Try the gingerbread scone recipe! It was easy - Jake made them - but definitely don't burn the bottoms. ;)

  2. Wow! How exciting to watch your house go up bit by bit! I love your pretty blog page -- colorful and sweet!

  3. How exciting!! We broke in our season passes to Carowinds this week!! XOXO

  4. I am not even going to begin to tell you how jealous I am of your amusement parking already... sigh. You lucky duck!


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