Sunday, April 8, 2012

Tot School: A Whole Lotta J

We've been in relaxed mode the last couple weeks so we took two weeks to complete our J unit.  The weather's been nice, what could we do?  It's great to have options.

Raising Rock Stars Preschool

We've been working on the letter J this week.  Our verse was John 14:6. She liked the verse, especially the song we sang to go along with it, but she was not thrilled with it's length when she taped it together.  The craft was a big hit.  She loved that it was a door that she could open.  It received a place of honor on our closet door.



All About Reading

We were working on J, of course.  We did some rhyming, which she's getting really good at, made a jack rabbit craft, and used the gel pad (from our Grasshopper Prep kit) for our tactile activity.  The gel pad didn't work quite like I thought it would.  I thought you'd be able to see the letter once you traced it in the get but it didn't work out like that.  Bummer!!!  A ziplock with paint or gel in it would probably work better.  She didn't mind too much because she practiced tracing A-K.  She had to do K because it's the most important letter, the one her names starts with.  She never leaves out K. lol


 You Can Read

We started the second unit in YCR, with four new words.  During our first week working with them I wasn't sure she was going to get them.  But she has them down this week.  She built the words, did a word hunt, played "roll & slap", spelled them with stampers, and made some sight word puzzles.



Other Stuff

We did some math activities.  We made some pictures using our Scholastic Magnetic Pattern Block book.  We also played a Missing Number game that I saw on Pinterest. Sadly, it didn't include printables so I had to make my own.  You can download them HERE for your tot.


We worked on counting and fine motor skills with the little frog guy from our Grasshopper Prep Kit.  We rolled the die and the frog ate that many bugs.


Her Kumon cutting book is starting to challenge her more.  This week she had to cut on a spiral.  She was really concentrating.  LOL


And, of course, we did some Easter activities.  We read tons of Easter books, made some crafts, played some games, and watched all of our Easter movies.

We read The Parable of the Lily and then made pink and purple "lilies" with empty soda bottles.  Then we splatter painted a cross using paint inside plastic eggs.  Both were adapted from pinterest finds.


From COAH a "He is Risen" magnet page and J is for jellybean sorting.


We also did our resurrection eggs but I didn't get any pictures because I was too involved.  We also had fun dying eggs and enjoying Easter day but those will be for another day because the pictures are still on my camera.

I hope you and yours had a blessed Easter.




  1. Awesome week! We did the splatter egg paint too. It was fun.

  2. She is just way too cute. LOL I love the concentrating pictures with her tongue sticking out.

  3. Your schoool room looks awesome! You have motivated me to do more with my tot. How long did it take until she was "getting" the rhyming. We have been doing AAR, but the rhyming is way over her head!

  4. Hello from the Crew! What fun activites, great pictures!!!

  5. Your tot posts always make me wish I had a little one! Fun stuff!


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