Saturday, July 9, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up: The One Where She was Gone

As you might recall, my sweet baby was at camp last week.   I sent her with a camera and ordered her to take more pictures than last year.  Last year she took 2.  I told her 100.  She took 40.  About 10 of which were usable.  So there was progress.  And she even handed her camera to other people so she’d be in a couple of the pictures. 

So here’s a glimpse at her week at Kidz Kamp.

Here are my baby’s last minute with mommy.  We’re at the church  waiting for departure.


Arrived safely at camp

Thunder Valley

Whatever that is. LOL

She took a scenic shot at putt-putt for her momma


Mill Mountain


A little sermon from Billy




Musical Squares at the rec center

And that was all the information that I got. LOL  Other than it was too short and she “sorry! I was too busy having fun to miss you.”   OUCH!!

Pop over to Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers to see what everyone else has been up to. 


  1. That looks like a really fun week at camp!

  2. It looks like she had so much fun! I'm sure she made some wonderful memories. :)

    (((Hugs))) about her and the "missing mom" part, but at least she wasn't missing out on fun because she was missing you too much to enjoy it. It shows her high level of self-confidence. Kudos to you for raising an independent girl!

  3. Oh, I think it's wonderful that she didn't miss you! LOL Cati's had my parent's house and the last few days she's been VERY homesick, calling 10-15 times a day and even talking to her brothers! She's coming home on Monday and neither of us can wait! It's hard when they're sad and you're not near!

    And WOW is she ever looking like her Mama, huh?


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.