Saturday, March 5, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up

Another week down and we didn't get behind.  Well we didn't get to art but it's been like that for a while.

We finished studying WW1, except for our lap book, and are moving on to the Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression.  Poor Hoover got a raw deal.

Our lap book is on hold because for some reason the PC won't print anything.  And sense you can't save what you type into the file can't be saved.  So I'm going to have to load it onto my Mac and help her retype it.  Bummer.  Sometimes technology is a pain. LOL

She read The Hero Over Here: A Story of World War I this week and just loved it.  It's the story of a boy who's father is fighting in the war and how he becomes a hero to the folks still at home.  We also finished Cheaper by the Dozen.  Hilarious!

Math was a review of rounding and estimating.  Nice and simple.

She learned to diagram sentences with compound subjects and compound predicates in LA.  The diagram looks a bit like a butterfly when you have both. LOL

She finished her penguin report.  She wrote out the final draft yesterday.  Now I need to read it and grade it.  Maybe tomorrow. LOL

She got her recital piece at piano this week.  She is soooo excited!!  It's a tough one so she has her work cut out for her.  I know she'll do great though.

And that was our week.  Pop over to Weird, Unsocialized Homeschooler's to see how everyone else is doing.


  1. ohhhh, saw your stuff on WWI. Having a hard time finding hands-on stuff and living books for then so thanks for the book title! Who are you doing your lapbook through?

  2. We are studying Egypt right now it will be awhile before we get to world war one but I'm keeping note of those books. I think my son will love them.

  3. Isn't it good to finish a week and not feel behind on anything?! Can't say that was my feeling this week, but we'll pick back up next week. That's the beauty of homeschooling, right?:)

  4. Thanks for sharing in my comments the answer to my question! Heading over right now to look at it.


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