Friday, September 25, 2009

Weekly Wrap-Up: Fort Wool Edition

It's time for the Weekly Wrap-Up hosted by Kris over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.

It was an interesting week here. Actual school stopped on Tuesday. Gasp!

Monday and Tuesday went as planned. Yay!

We had a field trip to Fort Wool on Wednesday. You can read a bit about the fort here, if you're interested. I'll have some pictures at the end.

I had, foolishly, thought that we'd get school done afterward but Kayleigh slept for 20 minutes in the car and wouldn't go back down for a real nap. She was in a foul mood for the rest of the day. School was cancelled and we just hoped to survive.

On Thursday, we wound up spending the day buying clothes and shoes for the fall/winter. We've been having some cool weather lately so it was much needed.

Today we went to Disney on Ice and to lunch with friends. I declared the rest of the afternoon a "teacher work day" and we cleaned the house. It was not looking good. It's better but we're not done yet.


  1. Way to be flexible! I need to institute a teacher work day and soon! Thanks for the idea.

  2. Great pictures! I'm so glad that others have weeks like that too. We all need a few teacher workdays.

  3. Really enjoyed your pictures from the field trip! I really loved the idea of a homeschool teacher workday!

  4. Love the photos, especially the one of your two jail-birds...those faces are wonderful!

    Sounds like a great week...teacher work day...I'm liking it!

  5. Teacher Work Day sounds great right about now!

    The fort trip looks great!

  6. Love the pictures of the field trip, looks like a beautiful place!

  7. This whole week was supposed to be a teacher work week for me and I haven't managed to get much of anything done. It sounds to me, though, like you had a really nice week. The field trip looks wonderful! Fwiw, we never seem to get anything done if we try to leave the house then come back and do any school.

  8. I love the pics!!! We got so little done I didn't even try to put together a Weekly Wrap-up. Nice to see that other folks struggle with foul moods as well. Sometimes it's just not worth it to stress them out. Better to call it a day!

    Have a blessed weekend,

  9. Fort Wool looks like FUN! Are those pictures more Piknik art?

    LOL, I've had a few days where we just hope to survive.

  10. Isn't it funny how things sometimes don't go as planned? But at least we are all still going forward- the progress just might not be as steady as we would like-LOL. That looks like a fun field trip. Thanks for sharing your week.

  11. I just love the flexibility of homeschooling. It has been a life saver for our family over the last month. I love the fort field trip and the picture of your girls hugging is so sweet!

  12. Great fall field trip. It looks like you had a great time.

  13. looks like you guys had a great week. love the tutu. we are planning to see Disney on Ice in December. Can't wait

  14. I definitely need a teacher work day! Hoping to redd up the house in an hour or so and then continue our school work. Love the jailbird pic- too cute!


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