Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tot School

Tot School

Kayleigh is currently 19 months old

We had a lot of errands this week but we managed to fit in a few Tot School activities.

The peg stacker was the big hit of the week. She played with it every day.

Our only craft this week was a last minute addition. I had found some foam farm stickers at the Dollar General. You can't go wrong for only a $1. She also colored on her paper with crayons and markers. She was very interested in her name. She tried to copy mommy buy "tracing" her name with the pink crayon too.

We ended our week with a fun trip to Busch Gardens. We had perfect weather and no lines!

Be sure to check out what the other Tots are up to over at Carisa's.


  1. I love Busch Gardens, but I haven't been in a couple years. I think I might have to go soon after seeing all of your cute pics.

  2. Looks like a lot of fun this week!


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