Monday, May 12, 2014

Hey there...

The Giggly Girls and I are still alive and kicking. I've retired from the TOS Review Crew and am taking a much needed blogging break.  We're just schooling, enjoying life, and kicking diabetes' booty; and that's enough for now.

I'm not sure when I'll be blogging regularly again, but I did finally upload all of the posts from my old homeschool blogger blog, where it all began.  I'm going through those and cleaning them up a bit and I'll start posting them soon. You'll be able to check out the beginning of our homeschooling journey with little Mackenzie and a bit of our time on Guam.  My how time flies...



  1. Is it wonderful? Do you ever miss it? [sigh] I sometimes day dream of quitting my blog.

  2. Hi there Stefanie, I'm Lindsey! I have a question and would love to speak with you. Please email me when you have a chance, thanks so much! Looking forward to it :)



We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.