Thursday, August 8, 2013

Review: Bible Study Guide for All Ages

 photo logo_zpsd228aed3.pngBible Study Guide for All Ages is a product that I am very familiar with as I've used it with Mackenzie in the past. So I was very excited to see it pop up on our upcoming vendor list. I was even more excited when I was chosen to use the Beginner Level with Kayleigh.  Up until now, I've mainly just been reading Bible stories to her with memory verses and the occasional craft. Unfortunately that hasn't really been holding her interest. Not good. So I was beyond thrilled to try it with her.

About Bible Study Guide for All Ages

This product was created by a mom and Sunday school teacher, Mary Baker, who couldn't find a product suitable for her needs. So what does an enterprising mom do? She creates it herself and the Bible Study Guide for All Ages was born.

 photo beginner-time-line_zpsaf2ab713.jpgThis program is set-up to cover the entire Bible over a four-year period giving the students "the big picture" as well as in-depth knowledge and how to apply the knowledge to their own lives. There are six levels available for pre-school through adults.

Each year of study is made up on one unit and each unit contains between 100-104 lessons. There are 4 lesson packs per unit.  All levels cover the same topics with age appropriate lessons. You can see the order of study HERE. What is fantastic about this set up is that if your student does Unit 1 using the beginner level but is ready for the next level upon completion, you can go ahead and get Unit 2 in the primary level. No need to redo Unit 1 in the next level because the same topics are studied in each level. Another perk of every level using the same text is that you can get the appropriate student pages for each student and the entire family will be studying the same lesson at their own level. How awesome is that?

Our Experience

We received the Beginner Student Pages (Lessons 1-26), Beginner Time Line, and the Children's Songs CD set.

The student pages are printed on legal size paper in black and white. All of the teacher's instructions are right there on the page. You use one page per lesson. The lesson includes:

     *Learn the Basics: Suggestions to use the Beginner Time Line and give the student the "big                
     *Sing and Remember: Song suggestions to complement the lesson, teaches the books of the Bible
       in small increments, and review questions.
     *Get Active: Activities to get your student moving and prep them for the coming lesson.
     *Discover the Bible: The meat of the lesson. The teacher reads the lesson while the student  
       and responds by tracing, coloring, or crossing out pictures.
      *Apply It: Helps the student make connections from the story and apply them to their own lives.

The Beginner Time Line includes 34-full color cards printed on sturdy card stock. The cards cover key Bible stories and include a question to check learning. They are bright, colorful, and fun to look at. We've been posting the cards we're using on the wall near our circle time area so we can easily refer to them.

The Children's Song CD set includes 90 songs on 2 CDs. The CD includes many old favorites as well as some new ones that help the learning stick. 

This program is super easy to use, basically just open and go. All you need is some crayons and a Bible and you are good to go. We pretty much just went through the lesson as scripted. We began each lesson by reviewing the Time Line cards, then working our way through the books of the Bible and the review questions, and did the Get Active activity. Occasionally we had to skip the Get Active activity as it was better suited to group situations. 

When we get to the Discover the Bible section, which included the Scripture references as well as the scripted lesson, I'd read directly from the Bible first then we'd go through the scripted section and she'd follow along completing the work sheet activities. She LOVES, LOVES, LOVES completing these activities. I found this surprising because she's generally very resistant to taking direction for any reason. lol

The best part is that Kayleigh has really been learning from this program. I can't believe that I didn't think of using this with her on my own. Better late than never though, right? 

My final thoughts...well I bought the rest of the lessons for Unit 1 so I guess that about sums up my feelings on this product. Two thumbs up!!!


Age Range: pre-k through adult

Pricing: $5.95 per lesson pack, $19.95 for the CD set, $24.95 for the Beginner's Time Line



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