Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Like It or Not...

My baby is going to be starting Kindergarten this year. And in case you're not sure where I stand on the issue...

I do not like it one little bit!!!!

Just sayin'...

But like it or not, it's happening so I'm required to plan for it. So I did. Against my will.

So here it is... Our

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Sonlight Bible A featuring

     Egermeier's Bible Story Book
     Sing the Word from A-Z

Bible Study Guide for All Ages, Beginner Level


Math-U-See Primer
     Oh how I love you Mr. Demme. Can't wait to hang with you again next year at HEAV.

Language Arts

All About Reading, Level 1
       Cuz Level pre-1 was so much fun!!! Yay!!

Handwriting Without Tears
        Letters and Numbers for Me

Sonlight Core A Read Alouds


         The House At Pooh Corner (We're skipping this  because I don't like reading it aloud.)
         The Family Under the Bridge (Adding this back in because it was a favorite last time.)
         The Story of Doctor Dolittle
         The Story about Ping
         The Arnold Lobel Book of Mother Goose
         The Llama Who Had No Pajama: 100 Favorite Poems
         Richard Scarry's Please and Thank You Book (Pictureback(R))
         Dolphin Adventure
         Dolphin Treasure
         A Grain of Rice
         Twenty and Ten
         The Boxcar Children
         In Grandma's Attic
         Five True Dog Stories
         James Herriot's Treasury For Children
         Mary On Horseback
         Johnny Appleseed: The Story of a Legend
         Least of All
         The Complete Adventures of Curious George
         Here's a Penny
         No Children, No Pets
         Little House in the Big Woods
         Beezus and Ramona
         Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
         My Father's Dragon
         The Hundred Dresses
         The Light at Tern Rock

I'm super excited about doing this core again because it was one of my favorite Sonlight cores. Mackenzie's excited too. She's dying to hear the books again. Hopefully seventh grade won't keep her too busy. lol I'm also interested to see how Kayleigh does with chapter books. It could go either way with this girl

Literature Pockets: Nursery Rhymes
         For fun

Social Studies

     History and Geography

     Sonlight Core A featuring...

         Wild Places
         Living Long Ago
         The Usborne Internet-Linked Children's Encyclopedia
         I Heard Good News Today

Culture and Art Supplement 

         Children Just Like Me: A Unique Celebration of Children Around the World
         The Kids' Multicultural Cookbook
         The Kids Multicultural Art Book
         Draw Write Now, Book 1: On the Farm-Kids and Critters-Storybook Characters
         Draw Write Now, Book 4: The Polar Regions, Arctic, Antarctic
         Come Look with Me: Enjoying Art with Children
         Come Look With Me: Exploring Landscape Art With Children
         Come Look With Me: Animals in Art
         Around the World Art and; Activities: Visiting the 7 Continents Through Craft Fun


Sonlight Science A, Biology, Botany and Physics featuring...

         Isaac Newton and the Laws of Motion
         How Flowers Grow
         Usborne Science Activities, Vol. 2
         Under the Sea
         Caterpillars and Butterflies
         Eggs and Chicks
         Tadpoles and Frogs


Creating a Masterpiece Art Lessons (Amazing lessons! I highly recommend checking them out!!)
Music Lessons at Young Musicians of Virginia
And maybe gymnastics if we get around to it.



  1. Great plan! I understand what you mean about Kindergarten, I have one more year of pre-school, not looking forward to the growing up of my baby.

  2. I was wondering how Holden would take to the chapter books, as well. We're 4 weeks in, and surprisingly, he is totally hooked! It was starting the year off with The Boxcar Children that roped him in. He was dying to know what happened next, and now I'm suckered into reading other Boxcar Children books to him and to Haylee as bedtime stories. She has eagerly listened in because that series was her favorite of all time! LOL. I can't stand reading the epic run-on sentences in Pooh Corner, either, so I downloaded the audio book and will suffer through it again that way! The audio book was free. I got it a few years ago when it was Haylee's turn through this core, 'cause I'd just flat out abandoned it with Hayden! ha, ha.

  3. We loved Core A! I had a hard time leaving the preschool years behind as well :-(, and now I'm having a hard time saying goodbye to kindergarten!

  4. We are doing Core A too! This is my first time using it. Keeping my fingers-cross that my son likes it!

  5. How fun! Can I come over to your house and listen to the stories? What a great lineup!


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