Thursday, June 13, 2013

Review: Prima Latina

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Latin was something we enjoyed but got lost in the shuffle when our life got crazy with diabetes. So when the opportunity came up to review Prima Latina from Memoria Press, I was all over it. What better way to get back into our latin studies then with a review where we have to be consistent with it.

About Memoria Press

The Memoria Press educational philosophy is a self-described as a "classical Christian education." The believe in training through liberal arts and familiarity with great books and great Western thinkers. It is a family-run publishing company that provides materials for private and home schools.

Our Experience

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We received the complete Prima Latina set. It came with the student book, instructor guide, pronunciation CD, flash cards, and  instructional DVDs.

It is meant for students in 2nd through 4th grade. I knew that when I decided I wanted to review with my 6th grader. However it takes a different approach, much heavier in vocabulary, then what we've used in the past and I was excited to try it.

This program is super easy to use. You do not need to know any Latin to do well with it. The DVD lessons do all the "heavy lifting" for you. An older student could even be successful doing it on their own.

There are 25 lessons total. The lessons are made up of five parts: The lesson itself, vocabulary and grammar forms, practical Latin phrase, English derivatives, and Latin Prayers. All of this is laid out in the student book and taught in the instructional DVD.  The book is well laid out and easy-to-read.

Mackenzie and I watch the DVD one day and then she'd do the lessons in the student book the next.  Really, she could complete the entire lesson in one sitting. It was really easy for her. I think that the most this was most obvious on the DVD. The instructor was definitely teaching to the younger set. But despite this, we both enjoy the lessons and are learning a lot of new vocabulary.

One of our favorite parts was the English derivatives. It is a lot of fun to see how many words in our language originated from Latin. This will be helpful when the SATs roll around. ;) She is also enjoying learning prayers in Latin.

If you are looking for a quality, affordable, and easy-to-use program for Latin, then check out Prima Latina.



Age Range: Grades 2-4

Price: $90 for the complete set


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