Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A Hiking We Will Go...

I've been rather quiet lately. Dealing with diabetes, planning for next year, trying to end this year. So I thought I'd share one of our recent outings.

It was our buddy Alex's birthday and he wanted to come over, share some yummy cupcakes, and take us on an adventure in the woods. Not the woods behind our house. Woods down the road from our house. He said he wanted to catch snakes. 

Okay, now that I look at this picture I recall that it wasn't cupcakes at all. It was brownies. Delicious, chocolatey, gooey, carb counted brownies. Don't you love a friend who'll take the time to carb count the ingredients in their yummy treats so all the T1Ds can enjoy? It is really tedious work. Take my word for it. 

Once we were properly carbed up, we headed out for our adventure. And it really was an adventure because it was Kayleigh's very first day on her new insulin pump. Don't worry, I brought lots of stuff for low blood sugars. (Good thing too because I needed them. lol)

Here's our before shot. Please ignore the sign that says don't climb on the otters.

A beautiful stream. 

Going up??

And up...

What's around the bend? Not a snake I hope. 

No fear, Connor will save us from any snakes!

The little ones got tired of going up so they decided not to go off the beaten path with the big kids. 

 The big kids found a log bridge.

Kayleigh found a mushroom and actually listened when I told her NOT to pick it.

Observing a caterpillar

Apparently the big kids didn't hear that request about not picking...

So we examined the other side and learned that Mackenzie needs a nail brush.

Here's the closest thing we found to a snake. A hideous worm with too many legs. No we didn't look up it's specific name. None of the three mommas there are "that mom." lol We were too busy screaming "Don't touch it!!"

We made it out alive!! Oh wait!!!  We're missing the small one....

I guess we'll have to go back to get him next time. 

Just kidding....


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