Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Review: Progeny Press Study Guides

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We are book worms to our very core around here. We love 'em. We'll give any book a try and if it's a good book, we'll read it again and again. Because of this love literature has the starring role in our homeschool. We are literature based all the way.  And when we get a review that feeds this love, we are thrilled.

We were totally blessed when we reviewed Progeny Press Study Guides last year. We enjoyed the first one so much that we have used several since then. We about jumped for joy when we were given the opportunity to review another one. Up this time, The Golden Goblet Study Guide.

About Progeny Press

Progeny Press is a family owned company who strives to teach cultural literature from a Christian perspective. They offer over 100 guides for kindergarten through high school. The guides are designed to teach your student understand literature through critical thinking, literary analysis, reading comprehension along with a Christian application.

Our Experience

We received the instant download version of the guide. It comes in an interactive PDF format which means that your student can type on it and includes a separate answer key. My daughter LOVES this feature because she'd rather type than write any day. You, of course, always have the option of printing out the activities and a few, like crossword puzzles, require printing.

 photo a64739f13876d7e650edf3_m_zps62f7a3c9.jpgThe guide starts you off with an overview of the book and information about it's author. You are then given several pre-reading activities. These included things like researching topics pertaining to the book, map work, field trips, and video suggestions.

You were then given a couple of "As You Read" ideas. We found these to be really interesting.  One idea was to create a map of the city of Thebes based on details and places from the story. Such a fun way to get the student to pay attention to the details.

Vocabulary and literary terms are a large part of the guide. There are straight forward comprehension question and questions that require the student to infer more. offer opinions, and think more deeply about what they read. And get this? There are sample answers to the more open-ended questions. This mom loved that!!! Then there is the "Dig Deeper" questions that get the student thinking about the story from a Christian world view.  At the end of each section there are optional activities to extend the learning. They range from deeper discussion ideas, field trips to further the learning, and more.

Like the previous guides that we have used from Progeny Press, this one was incredibly user friendly and easy to use. All that you need is the book, a good Bible, and the guide. Just open up and go.  And not only does it get her digging deeper into what she's reading, it's reinforcing her language arts lessons. The activities talk about imagery, synonyms, metaphors, and a billion other things that she's studied. Only now she's seeing them in context. I love that!

Once again, Progeny Press has exceeded our expectations. The guides are so well done and interesting that Mackenzie enjoys doing them. I have a running list of the guides that they offer that go along with our studies because they are such an easy way to add depth to our read alouds.


Website: http://stores.progenypress.com/StoreFront.bok

Age Range:  The guide we reviewed was for middle school but they offer a large variety of guides for  K-12. Check out the complete listing.

Pricing:  (For the Golden Goblet Guide) $16.99 for the CD or instant download and $18.99 for the print version. Prices may vary depending on the guide you choose.

Find Progeny Press on Facebook.


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