Friday, March 15, 2013

Y & Z

Y is for...

When They Were Young

That was then.

This is now. (Plus a cute little blonde.)

Can you believe the nerve of these kids, growing like that? I feel like punishing them. Just a tad. For all of this growing that they insist on doing. You know how much I hate that.  Unacceptable!

Z is for...


We paid a visit to the local zoo on Monday because it was the first anniversary of my little buddy's first birthday. (You must know by now that I will not accept his growing either.) We even had beautiful weather!

It's not much of a zoo. You can take in everything in under two hours. But these kids don't know any better. Well Mackenzie does because she's been to Australia and their zoos are in a whole different league then anything we have here. But she was younger then so she doesn't remember it as well as I do.

But the zoo here does have giraffes and I consider them to be the most important of all the zoo animals. I love them. The poor giraffes are abused by the tail-biting ostrich. He's just jealous of their beautiful coat while he has mange and is loosing his feathers.

Peacocks who would not show off their feathers for me. Sigh... I'm going to find a mating call and blare over my phone next time.

A red panda who is in the EXACT SAME SPOT every time we come. Every. Single. Time. I don't mind because it's a great spot for taking pictures. You can even get a good shot of him sticking his tongue out at you. 

Some other creatures like elephants monkeys, pig like creatures, an ostrich, and, of course, butt monkeys. You might call them baboons. Kayleigh doesn't. ;)

We took the wildest of all the creatures home with us.



  1. They grow up too fast! My youngest Reily turned 6 yesterday and my other daughter Brenda will turn 13 on Tuesday! 13 a teenager eek!

  2. I will have to show my 5 year old the giraffe pics, he is in love with them! Such a great time!


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