Monday, February 11, 2013

Waaahhhh!!!!! My baby is....

five today. Like last week wasn't bad enough, with my big baby turning six times two, now the small one went and got older too. I hate that. A lot. Boo!

Five is my least favorite birthday. (I reserve the right to change my mind next year when the big one turns six times two plus one. ) Five means that they're school age. Which, in theory, means that they conceivably could start spending the majority of their time with some stranger. Ack!  Okay, I realize that I home school so I don't have to share her with a stranger but I still don't like the idea of it.  It's unnatural and sad.

I think I'll spend the rest of the day trying to convince her that she's three.



  1. I cried HARD every time one of my kids turned 5. I don't know what it is about that age! Crazy! Well, happy birthday to your sweet girl!

  2. Happy Birthday to your little girl!!

  3. I think the reason 5 is sooooo hard is because there's no denying they are no longer babies! No baby, no toddler, no preschooler, not even a "little one"...just a kid! Sniff, sniff. I miss my babies. :(


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