Saturday, January 26, 2013

Weekly Wrap-Up: The One With the Snow

Here. In Southeast Virginia. Boo! One of the reasons that I left Michigan is to avoid this stuff. Plus the people around here can barely drive when it's sunny and dry. (Sorry locals, it's true. Driving through Detroit during rush hour is less stressful.)

But snow is all anybody is talking about here so what's the point of telling you about the rest of our week. All anyone cares about is the snow. So here you go. Snow....

But there's a brighter future headed our way around here. It'll be coming on Wednesday in the form of 70 degrees. Woot!

Linking to: Homeschool Mother's Journal, Weekly Wrap-Up, Photo Collage Friday, Preschool Corner


  1. Hi Stefanie! I got a new computer with an updated operating system and I can FINALLY get on your blog! I don't know what the problem was before. Now I am a follower. Enjoy the 70 degree day! We are having one on Sunday, then it's headed your way.

  2. We were looking at weather in different areas....and was surprised that ALASKA was much warmer than we are now! ::sigh:: But after today things will warm up again! We need a break! It's going to reach FREEZING! ;)

  3. I am so jealous of all of you that have snow!

  4. I cannot believe there is something more stressful than driving through Detroit in the snow. :D Your girls look so cute in the snow - love the photo collage. Enjoy those warm temps. We have to wait a couple more months.

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  6. They look like they are having so much fun. We didn't get enough snow to play in this year, but are having the extreme weather changes like that, too.


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