Sunday, November 11, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up: The One Where I Actually Do One

While I haven't blogged about it much lately, we are still doing school. Really. For the most part. I just seem to run out of time on the weekends and don't get around to the Wrap-Up. But this weekend has been relatively boring so I'm getting on it.



We're back into our Sonlight full swing. Complete with our beloved readers/read alouds and Eastern Hemisphere Explorer. We're currently studying Vietnam and reading Land that I Lost, which I believe is a true story. And truly awesome.  The author shares tales of his childhood in the jungles of Vietnam, pre-war. So far it's been very exciting. It also makes me glad that I don't live in a jungle.


I can't remember if I mentioned it, but Mackenzie finally finished MUS Epsilon and has moved on to Zeta. She also finished Life of Fred fractions and has moved onto LOF decimals. We are happy to have finally moved on. And the joy that we feel about this has cemented our resolve to do a lot less math reviews. Mackenzie has also discovered the perfect place to do her math. In front of a fire.

Language Arts

We are still happily plugging away with our grammar and writing lessons. I am thrilled to report that she is doing a better job at reading the instructions in Growing With Grammar so that she is actually doing the exercises properly. Woot!  She has a habit of reading the first part of the directions and then skimming the rest. The result is doing the grammar over.

IEW is, well, excellent. Just like the name promises.  And Mackenzie is finally remembering to underline her dress-ups for fear of the wrath of me. That can only help her. Dress-up underlining aside, her writing is vastly improved.


We're currently studying primeval sea creatures and we have a sudden urge to watch The Water Horse. If I had unpacked any of our DVDs we would.


Kayleigh is mostly interested in messy work, so we did some messy work. So we practiced our H's in shaving cream and did some sight words in glitter glue. Glitter glue is so much less messy than glitter and glue. Except the part where she squeezes the GG too hard but at least there's no glitter hiding all over the house.

In other handwriting news, she hasn't quite mastered the HWT's wet/dry/try method. Solely because she does not want to make the strokes in order.  And we've skipped the rest of the lame coloring pages in the HWT book and moved onto the actual writing. We're happier now.

We've added in some new reading activities from The Moffatt Girls. She has a Ready2Read program that has some really fun stuff, including the glitter gluing of sight words. She introduces word families as well as sight words which is fun for Kayleigh. And she has her doing stuff like "Cracking the Code" using a code to figure out the sight word. Good thing we put that page in a sheet protector so she could do it again and again.

Her Bible verse this week was one of my particular favorites, Exodus 20:12. ;) We are still using the Bible activities from Raising Rock Stars Preschool.  And now I've reminded myself that we didn't do our craft this week. Maybe we'll do that after church.

Speaking of crafts, Kayleigh did a fun and easy one (and totally not messy) craft to go along with one of her Sonlight stories, Stealing the Sun. She just drew a sun and then poked holes around her drawing using a giant thumb tack. Because who doesn't like poking stuff with a giant thumb tack? I can't name even one person. In fact, Mackenzie insisted on stopping her math lesson in order to get in on the giant thumb tack action.

In Other News

We had our last soccer game. Woo-hoo! I'm looking forward to not having to do anything on the weekend for a while. They were almost undefeated except they tied  one game that last day. Still awesome. She has seasons like that every time Coach Montgomery is her coach. He has mad coaching skills people.

We had lots of visitors. First my dad came to town.

Then my friend Joanne came in with her adorable son and brand new grandson. She'll be visiting her more often because now her grandson is living in the area. Yay me!!!

And our BFFs all came over to break in the girls new swing set. It didn't fall apart so I guess my man did a good job on it.

Lastly, in diabetes news. Mackenzie had to get more insulin. She's addicted. We refilled on election day and it was dead in the pharmacy. Woo-hoo! To see a military pharmacy empty is rare. So at least one good thing happened on election day. We didn't have to wait hours for our insulin.

 Kayleigh had a day of really high blood sugars. Like the meter wouldn't read it kind of high. And for the record. It was high before the lolly. I had to bribe her with the lolly to get her to let me prick her finger. I guess that won't work once she's diagnosed.

That's it. That's all I have. I feel good that the length of this post makes up for the weeks that I skipped. Have a nice day.

And if you haven't heard, I'm giving away a wonderful toy from Melissa and Doug. We have a lot of M&D toys in our house and we haven't had a dud yet. So check it out and see if you can win.


Linking to Weekly Wrap-Up, Photo Collage Friday, Preschool Corner, and Homeschool Mother's Journal.


  1. PJs! Awesomeness!

    ((Kayleigh)) I was hoping her numbers were flukes. :(

    Sounds like school is going well! I know what you mean about reviews...unfortunately we have decided not to continue. :( I'm a little sad and will miss all the stuff, but it really is for the best.

  2. My almsot 5 year old, Adam, feels the same way about the coloring pages in HWT. Just get to the fun stuff and the real writing! :) You've inspired me to get back in the swing of school for him. Thank you!

  3. Sorry to hear that Kayleigh really does seem to be on the diabetes road, too. At least she won't be "in it" alone. I'm sure watching big sis be such a trooper about it will be a big inspiration for her to accept it more graciously than maybe she would have otherwise. I read that only 10% of siblings have type 1 diabetes. Bad luck, huh?

    Glad you guys are back into the swing of school. Sometimes just the normalcy of the mundane tasks of life can help get you through a rough patch in something else that's going on in your life.

    Love the girls lots! Give them both a big hug from me. :)

  4. Hi, new to your blog - I am a diabetic homeschooling Mom to a daughter in kindergarten. Sorry to hear about Kayleigh's levels - when will you get her diagnosed? It looks like the school is going well and you have been keeping busy. Look forward to reading more in the future.

  5. Glad school is going well, beyond all the extra health and science classes because of blood sugar issues. ;-)

    Good for Mackenzie, getting through LOF Fractions already! Kennady is still plugging away at it, but in her defense - NO complaints!!! and she got to take time off while my parents were here. Plus she ASKED me to get some math book from the library again - one she had before and apparently liked and remembered. o.O LOL

  6. Your weeks always look so happy!! I'm glad you had a good time with your dad :-)

    Happy Thanksgiving, and thanks for always linking!

  7. Your wrap ups always get me pumped for doing the Eastern Hemisphere Core next year. I can't wait!

    Also, sorry you have another Diabetes diagnosis :(


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