Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up: The One with Sonlight... Sorta

So this was supposed be a normal week of homeschooling after all the distractions of late. Yes I said supposed to be. Of course it wasn't. lol


For the first time this school year, we were finally starting back with our Sonlight Core 5. We started it late last school year due to a poor curriculum choice. And by poor curriculum choice, I mean a pile of junk. So we finished half of Core 5 (or whatever it's name is now lol) and we're finishing the rest this year.

So I scheduled week 19 of Eastern Hemisphere for this past week. Or so I thought I did. We were so happy to be back to reading the wonderful Sonlight Books. We started reading A Boy and His Horse and The Incredible Journey. And we were off.

Then I as I sat doing my lesson plans for next week, I realized that I had only scheduled the reader and read aloud.  I've been using HST online and it's a little different than HST+ and I missed the other assignments. Opps!!! lol I guess these 2 a.m. blood sugar checks are messing with my ability to function properly.

Other than that, the week went off without a hitch. She finished Growing With Grammar 5, another late start due to Advanced Language Lessons being dropped from publication. And we finished Math-U-See Epsilon. Woot!!!

After a short break from science while we moved, we started back up. We finished our experiments from our last lesson on seals and started our lesson on herps. We learned just how well blubber keeps those sea creatures warm. And Mackenzie pretended to be a sea turtle hauling herself across the sand using only her front flippers. Those turtle mamas are strong!!

In other news, her soccer team is undefeated so far. The last time she had this particular coach they went undefeated too. He has mad coaching skills. And I'm so happy that here are only two more games left. Getting to the field by 8:30-9:00 is no fun.

On the diabetes front, we're plugging along. Just dealing with one number at a time. The exciting news is that, for the first time, her blood sugar is reacting normally to exercise. Physical activity is supposed to lower your blood sugar, but so far it's been raising hers. (Sometimes adrenaline can raise it.)

Except this weekend. After her soccer game it was down to 89 which is within a normal range. That was exciting! She had tears of joy. Her doctors will be surprised.


Kayleigh is... Kayleigh. Crazy, stubborn, and unpredictable.  She hasn't done anything for school for a few weeks. Mackenzie was jealous because she still had to do math and LA through the move. The poor dear.

So Kayleigh was back to the grind this week. She loved all of the space that we have in the new school room. And seeing all the toys and stuff was like Christmas for her. She spends a lot of time in the school room. Although, usually not because she wants to do school. lol

The last time we did school, we were in "the middle of the letter F" so we finished up with that. She did remember her Bible verse, John 3:16. So not all was lost.

She practiced writing F's using one of her favorite apps for the iPad, ABC's of God. And she jumped right back into Language Lessons for Little Ones, with a picture study. She loves looking at art. And sometimes touching it. Which is frowned upon at The Met. The Chrysler Museum of Art doesn't care for that either. Trust me. We know.  =o)

Her favorite activity of the week was tossing a bean bag into a bowl. She loved, loved, loved it. It was one of the developmental suggestions from her Sonlight p 4/5. She was also supposed to carry a bean bag on a spoon but she only wanted to do that once. But she tossed it into the bowl for at least 30 minutes.

She may of also had a great time trying to hit various family members with  with a bean bags. She looks cute but don't let the looks fool you.

We started back with our You Can Read lessons. I decided to review the units that we've already completed because it's been a while.

She remembered them pretty quickly. Especially when I pulled out our fancy fly swatter, education cube with YCR inserts and we played Wack-a-Word. And in case you're wondering, you can find fancy fly swatters at the Dollar Tree.

In Kayleigh's other news...

She is, once again, a soccer tot drop out. This was her shortest run yet. She only made it for two sessions. She didn't even last until picture day. lol Next year she will be old enough to play on a regular team. I think she will enjoy that more then just kicking the ball around on game day. Hopefully. Maybe I'll give it a try during basketball season this year.

Lastly, we made our last trip to Busch Gardens for the season. No more coasters for us until spring.


Linking to: Photo Collage FridayPreschool Corner


  1. I laughed reading how you tagged WP as "poor curriculum choice" and then "pile of junk." I was only into them for the curriculum guides :-) New reader...I'll be back!

  2. Is there ever a "normal" homeschool week? Sure isn't at our house :) Looks like you had an awesome week anyway though!

  3. Soccer Tot Dropout! That's funny! I love your updates!

  4. LOL I totally got sidetracked by your WP nightmare... Thanks for sharing it!

  5. Lots of great things this week! :) Your school room is so pretty and inviting. :)


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