Monday, September 10, 2012

B is for...Busy!

Is it just me or does anyone else find that life suddenly becomes very busy in September? You'd think as a HOMEschooler, that I shouldn't feel this way. I should be a home. Schooling. Yet I find myself running around to soccer practice, play dates, piano practice, art lessons, soccer games, music class, field trips, church, youth activities.  Shew!!!  And I haven't even signed Kayleigh up for her dance lessons yet.

Fortunately, I've been able to pack most of these activities into the same day. But still... it's exhausting. Here's what we've got going on this week...

Sunday: Church. We tried a new one this week. A BBQ in our new neighborhood so we can make our new neighbors love us before we move in. As if they wouldn't... ;o)

Monday afternoon:  1:30 Play date at the park with Kayleigh's bff. Kayleigh spends sooo much time with Mackenzie's friends or waiting for Mackenzie's activities that I'll never turn down an opportunity for her to hand with her little friends.

Tuesday: Young Musicians of VA Day. We have preschool music at 10:30, art for Mack at 11, and private piano at 1:30. We bring our school work with us. Soccer practice for Mack from 5:30-7:00

Wednesday: Field trip to the Air and Space Center to see Under the See at the IMAX. Then off to our friends house to do our whale science activities. This is not a typical Wednesday. Oh and I forgot. Mackenzie might be going to the mid-week youth group Wednesday night. Sigh...

Thursday: Stay home! Praise the Lord!

Friday: Stay home! Praise the Lord even more!!!

Saturday: Soccer games...Mackenzie has 2 games at 10 and 10:30. Kayleigh has soccer tots at noon. I'm hoping Kayleigh will decide to quite after this Saturday so we can leave earlier.  Does that make me a bad mom? She doesn't really like it except for the snack at the end. lol

I think that the next time some one expresses their concern about homeschoolers and socialization, I'm going to fight the urge to smack them upside the head and make them cart my children around instead.



  1. I was thinking the same thing! My mom asked why I've gone so long without calling. Um...I've been too busy carting my kids all over tarnation, that's why! LOL. Sunday-church and sometimes the symphony, Monday-school, Tuesday-school+gym class+free play, Wednesday-school+cooking classes for the kids+the dentist this week, Thursday-school+soccer practice, Friday-light school+errands, Saturday-soccer games for 3 different age groups. Aye, aye, aye! I guess the upside is that the days WHIZ by.

    This, too, is only a season of life that shall all too quickly pass. :(

  2. Wow! You have been busy!!! I agree ... I feel extremely BUSY this month. We just moved into an apartment. I laugh to myself when people ask me about socialization. It does bother me so.

  3. Yes, it gets busy quickly here too once September rolls around. I'm becoming more anti-social and crotchety as I get older though, so I just refuse to do stuff if it doesn't fit with my agenda. LOL And I use gas prices or the lack of a vehicle as a convenient excuse. We're still on the go at least three days of the week though. that's not counting the weekend. Oy!

  4. that really is busy- we don't start soccer until next month - then there are 3 little boys with practice and games! Best of luck with your BUSy :)

  5. We are also sooo busy! But I like teh structure and routine that we follow during the school year. It's a nice 'break' from how hectic our summers have become.

  6. Oh, I know what you mean! I think we are down to only one day of the week when we don't go anywhere now. Definitely busy around here!


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