Sunday, August 5, 2012

Not-Back-to-School Blog Hop: Curriculum Week

Sigh... I love curriculum. Researching it, purchasing it, planning for it, talking about it, blogging about it. Uh, yeah, this isn't my first blog post about curriculum this year. Or the third. =o)

I have decided that, for the purposes of this particular blog hop, it would be easier to write a new post that incorporates the whole sha-bang into one post. It has nothing to do with being obsessed with curriculum. It's a convenience to my readers so they can read about everything in one place. I'm being nice. Not obsessed. Honestly!

Mackenzie,  Sixth (sniff) Grade

My Mackenzie has a bit of a math phobia. Typical I know, but she's really, really good at it when she doesn't psych herself out. We're talking perfect math scores on her standardized tests for the most part. So this year I'm going to trying to break through this math wall she's built by adding in some living math type options. Fingers crossed! I can't take the crying anymore. Gah!!!


** What We Believe series - Apologia
** God's Great Covenant, New Testament - Classical Academic Press

Language Arts

** Growing With Grammar 6
** Institute for Excellence in Writing level B
** Word Roots levels A1 and A2
** Sonight Readers and Read Alouds from Core F, Eastern Hemisphere
** Vocabulary/Spelling City - for spelling as needed and select vocabulary from readings


** Math-U-See Zeta
** Life of Fred Decimals (supplement)
** Family Math : The Middle School Years (supplement)

Social Studies

** Sonlight's Core F, Eastern Hemisphere - Finish second half
** Sonlight's Core G, World History part 1 - if we finish Core F early


** Exploring Creation with Zoology 2: Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day - Apologia

Other Stuff

** A Young Scholar's Guide to Composors
** Classical Kids cds
** The World's Greatest Artists
** Visual Latin
** Artistic Pursuits
** Private Piano lessons through Young Musicians of VA
** soccer, basket ball and cheerleading through Beach Junior Athletics

Kayleigh, Preschool 

With Kayleigh, it's all about options. I never know what she's going to be willing to do so I'm ready with a lot of choices this year. It may or may not work for me. lol To quote Mr. Forrest Gump, Kayleigh is "like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get."

She's also really close to a break through with her reading. She knows all of her letters and sounds, has started a nice foundation of sight words, and she's just on the cusp of figuring out blending. It's an exciting time for her. And for me. Mackenzie taught herself to read at a very young age so I didn't get to teach her to read. I'm excited to finally be able to claim that I taught my own child to read instead of having taught everyone elses. lol


** Raising Rock Stars Preschool Memory Verses
** Sonlight p 4/5 Bible along with Right Choices

Language and Reading

** Language Lessons for Little Ones
** All About Reading pre-1 - finish second half
** Get Ready for the Code series
** You Can Read sight word program


** Sonlight p 4/5 Exploring God's World
** Before Five in a Row - when we feel like something different


** Math for Young Children
** Mathematical Reasoning
** Math-U-See Primer - first 10 or so lessons only, if we happen to feel like it

Other Stuff

** Maestro Classics/ Classical Kids cds
** World's Greatest Artists - Sit in with Mackenzie for at least the art projects
** Artistic Pursuits - The Way They See It
** Get Set for School - Handwriting Without Tears
** Preschool Music Lessons at Young Musicians of VA
** Dance lessons - Danceland 2, we hope
** Soccer Tots and Basketball Buddies through Beach Junior Athletics - Please note she usually refused to participate. Except for the snack. She always jumps in when it's time for the snack.

So there you have our plan for the 2012-2013 school year. Of course, as we all know, the best of plans change so we'll see how well this one worked out a year from now.

Click the blog hop button at the top of the page to see what other homeschools are using this year. And pop by next week to get a peek into my school room.



  1. It looks like we're using a lot of the same stuff this year. Can't wait for your ideas! Becky

  2. Let me know if you come up with any miracle cures for those math phobias. My 11dd has that same problem. I think it's all in her head too, because she does well.

  3. I appreciate your obsessive kindness :). Looks like you guys have a great line-up. Life of Fred has helped my dd get over her math phobia, so hopefully it will work for you!

  4. For my preschooler, we're also doing Math-U-See Primer, Handwriting Without Tears pre-k, and All About Reading! He LOVES Ziggy and we're about halfway through Pre-1 with the plan to go right on to Level 1. For weekly themes I'm doing a combination of Before Five in a Row and Confessions of a Homeschooler's Letter of the Week. I'm adding in my 2.5 year old as much as I can and hoping things work out without too much hair-pulling on my part! :)

  5. I love the name of your blog! I also have two giggly girls as you saw on my blog! Thanks for visiting! I am currently looking at My Father's World for my youngest!

  6. You have quite an ecclectic array this year. I think your highlighting a great amount of subjects.
    Hopping over from the curriculum blog hop.
    Renee @ Great Peace Academy

  7. Mackenzie and I sound a lot alike when it comes to math. My mom and dad used to get so frustrated with me (I was homeschooled) because I knew how to do it, and I was good at it....I just convinced myself that I wasn't, and shed many a tear over math. I hope having options help her!!

    Sounds like a really fun, enriching year you have ahead of you! I am slightly obsessed with curriculum as husband will come home and ask...did you really just buy something else?! I can honestly say though that everything I've purchased so far has been put to use somewhere...but my kids are still young. lol :)

  8. It all looks great! We love LOF but have started out at the beginning to hear his whole story! ;)

  9. Your blog is adorable!!! I love the choices you have made for this year, and we use a lot of the same. I have never tried Math-u-see, but so many people seem to really like it!!! Good luck this year!

  10. Looking through your preschool list I feel like I am not doing enough. Do I need to add more to what I have now, just SonLight's Pre-Kindergarten MultiSubject. Fill me in before school starts :)

  11. Hi Kristen M,

    Thanks for visiting and commenting. While I can't say for sure whether or not you're doing enough, I'd hazard a guess and say that you are doing exactly enough. You know your child better than anyone in the world and you chose that particular route for your little one because of that knowledge.

    My list is longer because:

    a) I have an older child so I already own a lot of stuff from when she was younger. Plus, having an older sibling generally spurs the smaller ones to want to be like them. In the case of Kayleigh, she has really started to show interest in learning to read this year so I'll help her achieve that.

    b) My little one is... persnickety at times... so I like to have a lot of options available for her because I really never know what she will be willing to do from one day to the next. lol (Well I do know she will sit for the reading because she always loves the books. lol) We won't be doing everything every day, or even every week. We've been working on the AAR for almost a year already and we're only halfway through. And that's okay because it's all about her pace.

    c) I am on The Old Schoolhouse Review Crew and I get a lot of stuff for free.

    d) Sonlight rocks. You won't be disappointed and your little one will have a very thorough education. Sometimes they can be light on the hands-on stuff for the little ones but the new developmental activities they added seem like they will help with that. You will have a great year!

    Just remember that you know your child best and give yourself the credit you deserve for using what is the best for them at that moment.

  12. I love the pictures in your header! I also have a kindergartener this year. It will be fun to follow you along this year to see what you're up to! :)

  13. I meant to type preschooler (although I do have a kinder this year). Wouldn't let me go back and edit :) Can't keep my kids straight sometimes!! LOL

  14. awhhhhhh! 6th grade!! It goes so fast doesn't it?
    Happy Homeschooling!

  15. Love getting to see your curriculum picks! We're doing a few of the same things.

    Looking forward to reading about Kayleigh's learning adventures again this year. :)

  16. Your daughter sounds a lot like mine when it comes to math! She scored 99th percentile on her CAT test, but we just don't enjoy math around here. I'm looking into Life of Fred books now to see if I can buy some used and give them a try. She is 10 and will be starting 5th grade. I use the term "grade" loosely, though. =0)

  17. Ahh math. Fred is helping my oldest get over her math angst. We're having a loose year of preschool, too! If I plan anything, she will inevitably decide that isn't what she wants to do. :)


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.