Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Make Room Monday #6 on a Wednesday: AIMS From Head to Toe

I know it's not Monday, again, but I can't help but take advantage of the Curriculum Clean-Out linky party over at Homeschool Creations. So I have to keep posting more. Don't worry, my shelves are still over flowing so there's still plenty of free curriculum to be had.

Today I'm offering up a wonderful science resource, From Head to Toe, from the AIMS foundation. If you have plans for studying the human body then this gem is for you. And it comes with a CD of the printables which is wonderful because the book is huge and that makes copying hard. We really enjoyed the activities in this book.

About From Head to Toe

This revised edition of From Head to Toe, which includes 25 new activities, will guide students in explorations of the systems and senses of the human body. Students will look at how the nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and musculoskeletal systems work together to keep us alive. They will also explore how our sensory organs provide us information about our world.

Students will be engaged as they create models for each system and see firsthand how things really work. In the activity “Breathe In, Breathe Out,” students will use a two-liter bottle, balloons and straws to build their own set of “lungs” and to see what happens as air is inhaled and exhaled. In the activity “The Food Tube,” students will work as a team, creating a life-size tracing of a classmate and calculating the length and location of the digestive tract; they will be amazed as they discover the crepe paper used to represent the small and large intestines measures up to five times the height of the body.

Teachers will enjoy the flexibility that From Head to Toe offers, as they can adjust the depth of each unit to fit the needs of their class. They will also find the rubber band books—small books the students assemble and hold together with a rubber band along the spine—ideal in providing necessary content and relevant information.
Whether building a model heart or acting out the actions of neurons as they transmit messages to and from the brain, From Head to Toe provides a broad, complete look of the human body that will engage students as they learn about their magnificent bodies.

Read a more detailed account about our experience with about book in my review that you can find HERE.

Enter to Win

This contest runs until 8/7. Good luck!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Check out my other give aways.  Learning About God from A to Z, ends 8/5.  Preschool Art, ends 8/6.


  1. The best science activity?... Putting together a solar airplane model so she could understand solar energy and how it works. Her favorite part was that she got to paint it all by herself. lol

  2. Thanks for giving this away. We are studying the human body this year so it would fit in nicely.

  3. Science isn't really my thing, so I font.have a best.

  4. This will be my first year homeschooling my 3rd and 5th grader :) And being a nurse, I have a special place in my heart for all things anatomy!

  5. So far, our favorite science activities/experiments are those that leave looks of surprise and wonder on their faces ... for example when they see an egg sink in water but float in salt water. Thanks for the chance to win!

  6. I have enjoyed studying magnets with my children as they have loved seeing how they react with other materials.

  7. We love to study how the natural world works around us.

  8. This will be our first year homeschooling, but I'm looking forward to all the hands on things we can do.

  9. ANything mixing baking soda and vinegar! :)

  10. we love doing sink/ float experiments with the kiddos. Also anything with vinegar and baking soda :)

  11. Anything that explodes especially like volcanos

  12. We just did a volcano together. The look on my son's face was priceless.

  13. This will be our first year homeschooling but looking forward to doing many science activities

  14. The colored milk experiment is so easy and visual. Another favorite - putting Hershey kisses on different types of metal rods placed in a glass of boiling hot water, and timing how fast the kisses melt and drop depending on the type of metal...

    janemaritz at yahoo dot com

  15. weather lessons. Of course we are only in Kindergarten so even those are pretty simple little things. :-) Thank you!

  16. Microwave soap

  17. Right now our little boy is only 3 so we haven't done too much. But we did do a Volcano Experiment a few days ago and he loved it! :)

  18. We have done some weather and kitchen experiments, but right now we are working with magnets

  19. We haven't really done a science activity. Bad mommy

  20. My kids love anything with baking soda and vinegar... so they clean the bathtub a lot. Science, right??

  21. I have done the experiment with the baking soda and vinegar in a bottle with a balloon on top... the kids really loved it.

  22. Planning to start science formally this fall. Would love to win this. Thanks.

  23. We dissected owl pellets. It was so much fun.

  24. My little one likes Science and we have done different science activities! I hope to do more experiments with him this year ;)

  25. Well, we are just getting started with homeschool, so we haven't intentionally done any science activities.

  26. I love science experiments! Really messy ones! :)

  27. My kids love any science activity that takes us outdoors.

  28. This is my first year homeschooling my kids. I can't wait for all of the neat experiments!


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.