Saturday, July 14, 2012

Review: Keyboarding for the Christian School

Living in the computer age, it's imperative for my children to learn how to type properly. The odds are that they'll be spending the rest their lives typing on a keyboard. It's a much needed skill for every child.

Enter one of our latest review items, Keyboarding for the Christian School.

About Keyboarding for the Christian School

From the website:

Do you anticipate your students using computers in the future? Is your student going into a technological field? How far your student will go will be determined by their proficiency in computers. Give them the edge in computer applications by purchasing curriculum that really works...Keyboarding for the Christian School.

These tools will pay for themselves many times over as your student utilizes this valuable skill for success at school and work while instilling Christian values.

Why choose a printable e-book versus a web-based program? Think about the things you type. Are they readily available to copy from the screen or are they something that you are looking at on a piece of paper? Usually you are typing something from a rough draft. If the lessons are only available on the computer monitor; your student will not get the need skill of transferring information from paper to computer.

Our Experience

This is a simple, no-frills typing program. Basically the students reads each lesson and then types it onto the computer. It's really that easy. And it's very thorough.

The first 29 lessons deal with learning all of the keys. There is even a few lessons teaching the number pad. Other lessons cover, centering, enumerated lists, the tab key, MLA reports, APA reports, cover pages, works cited, bibliography, personal-business letters, business letters, envelopes, proofreader's marks, timed writings, and tables. I don't think that they missed a skill.

There are many ways to use the e-book.  You can print and bind the entire book, just print the pages that you need, or even load onto your e-reader. We choose the latter and loaded it onto our iPad. It was quick, painless,  and easy for my daughter to read the lessons right off it. A simple way to save $$$ and a tree or two.

I know that they are a lot of fancy typing programs out there these days but when I was first reading through the e-book I got a bit of a deja vu feeling. The simple instructions, "Type the a in sets of three 10 times as shown below:

aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa aaa "  reminded me of my own high school typing class. I could hear my teacher saying that letters in my head "aaa space aaa space..." It was simple, uncomplicated and it worked. I am an excellent typist.

That's how I feel about Keyboarding for the Christian School. It's simple, uncomplicated, and it works. Mackenzie liked it too. She could do it on her own and complete the assignments in a matter of minutes. And she's remembering the skills learned and applying them to her free computer time. I call that a win.


Age Range: 6th grade & up - There's also an elementary version
Price: $15.95

And if that price isn't enough of a bargain, they are offering 20% off through August 29, 2012. Just use the code: SUMMER2012


Disclaimer: I received a copy of this product for review purposes. All opinions are my own or that of my children.

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