Monday, July 30, 2012

Make Room Monday #4 ~ Learning About God from A to Z

If you haven't heard yet, I have a lot of homeschooling stuff. Tons. I buy more each year and I get quite a bit from the Homeschool Review Crew. I don't, however buy more bookshelves each year. You can see the dilemma, right?

Since I need more room for new books, I have decided to spend the rest of the summer giving away some of the stuff that we are not using anymore. You read it right, I am offering free homeschooling curriculum. Everything I offer will be in Excellent to Like New condition.

This week I'm offering up a nice goody from the old Sonlight Core 4, Learning About God from A to Z. I bought Core 4 right after they stopped using this book. I was bummed because I was looking forward to using the book and I'd heard rave reviews about it. So I bought one from Sonlight before they ran out. Then I forgot I had it and never used it. lol One of the problems of owning so much, I guess. So now one of you can own this brand new, never been used, book.

About Learning About God from A to Z

In 26 lessons (one for each letter of the alphabet), Mary Erickson presents a hands-on introduction to theology for families that emphasized both understanding who God is and letting that knowledge inform everyday behavior. Each chapter covers one of God's attributes ('A' for almighty etc.) through puzzles, discussion questions, application, crafts and prayers. While you could use it with younger kids, Learning About God from A to Z is ideal for upper-elementary students; older kids won't get much out of it.

Erickson uses a variety of creative approaches to introduce each topic. In one lesson, kids "interview" Daniel after his experience in the lions' den; in another, they stage a play about the lives of Esther and Mordecai. She also emphasizes Bible knowledge as the foundation of genuine theological understanding. Students are instructed to "color-code" passages in their Bibles--underline or highlight them with specific colors according to the theme or doctrinal truth found in those verses.

It really is fabulous and I had a hard time deciding to let go of this one. In the end, I just had to admit that I cannot do everything even if it is totally awesome. Sigh...

Enter to Win

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!!! Contest ends 8/05...



  1. Favorite Bible resource? I'm really not sure, but I would love to check this out!

  2. rod and staff is my favorite resource.

  3. I love the Beginners Bible movies and books.

  4. I have been using ABC bible verses and RRSP with my son. Would love this resource too!

  5. I'm sorry, are you seriously giving it away? It's $97 on Amazon! Off the top of my head my favorite Bible resource is Veggie Tales.

  6. Favorite resource Bible but I also like Rod and Staff and different authors of Bible studies.

  7. Our favorite Bible curriculum so far has been Grapevine. However, I've been eyeing this for awhile and would love to win it :)!

  8. Our favorite resource other than the Bible & our local church are books written by Kenneth Taylor!

    What a great giveaway - thanks =)

  9. Wow! I haven't seen your blog since we were doing Tot School at 1+1+1. Glad to find you again!!

    So right now my favorite Bible resource is actually my new Bible - The Holman Illustrated Study Bible.

    Thanks for this givaway!

  10. The internet and the Bible are my favorite Bible resources.

  11. The Bible and also internet and Veggietales

  12. I love Olive Tree app for the iPad.

  13. We are really loving the new graphic novel Bible for my oldest.

    ~~Rachel Bailey

  14. So far our daily devotional bible.

  15. Favorite Bible resource? We love Veggie Tales, and Scripture Pictures, and we also love our new study Bible for kids :)

  16. i love using the stories and character traits described in the Bible and to use crafts to let it sink in with my young ones!

  17. This looks like an awesome resource! It is hard to say what my favorite Bible resources is just now. I have several kids devotionals that we use. I have a habit of jumping around - so we don't always complete a whole book. I just pick the parts from each one that I feel we need to work on.

  18. We are loving the Child Training Bible inserts and tabs that we recently started using!

  19. I really like the Apologia What We Believe series. My girls enjoy the What's in the Bible? DVD's, too. This book looks like something we'd really like to do together.

  20. This sounds so interesting & fun. I'm still trying to decide what to do with my little guys for Bible. This would be a treat.

  21. We love teaching the Bible and biblical lessons using a variety of picture books, like those by Patricia Pingry.

  22. We really like the Beginner's Bible & DVDs as well as Veggie Tales, the Bible in Pictures in Pictures for Little Eyes. We have used the Action Bible a little bit.

  23. We love the God's Great Covenant curriculum

  24. My 5 year old loves his beginners Bible and all the Veggie Tales resources (especially Larry Boy)!

  25. My 5 year old loves his beginners Bible and all the Veggie Tales resources (especially Larry Boy)!

  26. Hmmm...BJU Press maybe? Thanks for the giveaway!

  27. We love our Children's Beginner Bible. Also love to use the Child Training Bible.

  28. We have been doing the Jesus Calling for Kids devotional for the summer.

  29. We love our kids devotional book.

  30. We adore veggietales and we have a few random devotionals and children's bibles but sadly I hadn't thought of sitting down the girls with child age bible related products until I got serious about homeschooling, we do not have a lot of bible curriculum yet, that is pretty much the only part I still need to build up!!

  31. My favorite bible resources is YouVersion for the iPad.

  32. Would love this book as a resource, and trying to get my child training bible together to start using as resource.

  33. I'd say it's . It's helped me read through the Bible this year using Professor Horner's 10 chapters a day approach. Bible Gateway dot com is second.

  34. Hmmm...... I'd have to say What's in the Bible.

  35. We've never had a I'd say the Bible. We'd love to try this!

  36. This comment has been removed by the author.

  37. So far, I love using a concordance for so many things, so that would have to be my favorite Bible resource.

  38. I have been looking for a Bible curriculum. This one sounds wonderful. Thank you. Melissa L.

  39. Favorite Bible resource would be google search..

  40. The ultimate Bible resource for me is the actual Bible. We have also been using the Child Training Bible with success. I can't live without our scripture memory system using ABC Bible verses from 1+1+1=1 and her worksheets. Thank you for posting this giveaway.
    God bless, Tracey

  41. We like resources that teach good character qualities.

  42. farmerswife55 at hotmail dot comJuly 31, 2012 at 3:57 PM

    The bible is my favorite bible resource

  43. My favorite bible resource is yet to be discovered. I'm brand new to this. So far I have "abc bible verses" and "A is for Adam" and some "kids of integrity" pdfs.

  44. My son loves the Jesus Story Bible!!

  45. My Son And I Like The Action Bible At the Moment:) Awesome Giveaway!!! I Hope I'm The Lucky Winner :)

  46. Christian Light is educational and affordable. It is a great resource!

    Thank you.

  47. My favorite Bible resource is "Picture This!" My three older kids (ages 10-17)and I are drawing our way through the Bible together. They don't let us miss it!

  48. My favorite Bible resource (currently) are our Awana books and CDs. They encourage the children to memorize scripture, while providing life-application with each verse. And it's FUN for them! :)

  49. I don't know that I have a favorite. I am a devotional kind of girl. I am enjoying 24 Family Ways with my kids.

  50. Favorite Bible Resource, I would have to say ABC Bible Verses and The Bible Rhyme Storybook! :) I would really love to win this!

  51. Right now we just have Veggie Tales and What's in the bible. I would love this resource! Thank you!

  52. Right now all we have is a story bible.

  53. We've been using Raising Rock Stars =)

  54. Got tons of favorites, but my daughter's most significant has been a set of Your Story Hour tapes (Bible) we got at a second hand store. She's practically got them memorized from bedtime listening...

  55. Looks like an awesome resource. So far we have used night time devotional bibles and some audio resources. I really like the layout and content of the Kay Arthur bible studies for children.

  56. I don't have a favorite resource. I have been trying to find one I like.

  57. The Bible itself is my favorite
    shannonsweep at gmail dot com

  58. I love Apologia and Answers in Genesis

  59. I'm not sure if this counts but we have really been enjoying the God & Me series...

  60. We love the Jesus Storybook Bible. :)


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.