Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Review: Sentence Builder by Mobile Education Tools

If there's one piece of technology that we love in our house, its our iPad. We play on it, watch movies on it, read on it, and learn on it. Lately we've been building sentences on it with a new app called Rainbow Sentences by Mobile Education Tools. What a fun way to learn sentence structure.

About Rainbow Sentences

From the creators: Rainbow Sentences is designed to help students improve their ability to construct grammatically correct sentences by using color coded visual cues. The who, what, where, and why parts of sentences are color coded to help students recognize and understand how combinations of these parts create basic sentence structure.

Students will learn how to recognize the parts of sentences such as nouns, verbs, and prepositions, improve their understanding of how combinations of these parts create basic sentence structure. Students have the opportunity to record their sentences in their own voice to improve their receptive and expressive language skills.

A few of my favorite features:

    ~Intuitive drag and drop to create sentences
    ~Words are spoken as they are being dragged for non-readers
    ~Words can be color coded for added visual support
    ~6 levels of sentence complexity
    ~Pictograph lessons to help students learn proper sentence structure
    ~Record feature allows students to record sentences in their own voice
    ~Students earn puzzle pieces during play to encourage continued play
    ~Puzzles come to life once level is complete

Our Experience

Having kids at both ends of the age range for this product, they both enjoyed it. Kayleigh was able to play on the easiest level, with two color-coded groups of words. All she had to do was drag the word groups to the matching line. And quite frankly, she it was also helping her with her reading skills too by reinforcing her sight words.

Mackenzie, in fifth grade, worked on the harder levels. For her I chose to have her work without the color-coding and with individual words instead of groups.

After you finish the sentence, it is read back to you. Then you are given the opportunity to record the sentence yourself. That was a big hit with all ages. Including the 40 year old. We might also be creating some silly sentences in addition to the ones we built. =o)

In the event that the sentence is built incorrectly, you are directed to a little mini-lesson that  gives additional instruction on how to build  the sentence correctly. You are then given another chance to correct the parts that you got wrong.

This app is fun and engaging and I love that it provides auditory, visual, and hands-on learning. Something for everyone!


Ages: 3-10 (or 40 & 1/2)
Price: $7.99


Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this app for review purposes. All opinions are mine.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a great app for my boys to try! I just got an iPad and am having fun discovering all the great educational apps out there!


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.