Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tot School:

Since we didn't finish up with M last week, we finished up with it this week.  We are still working on our third You Can Read unit.

Raising Rock Stars Preschool

Our Raising Rock Stars verse was 1 John 3:18 and we talked a lot about showing our love.  Her verse was of acceptable length this week. LOL  She enjoyed making the craft about sharing however I have to clarify that she said that she would not be willing to share any of the items that she pasted on that paper.  Sigh...



You Can Read

We are plugging away at our You Can Read unit.  We built our words in the pocket chart, I wrote them on the magna doodle and she crossed out the words as she rolled them.  Her absolute favorite activity is always the roll & slap activity.  This week she added a little something to it.  Instead of rolling the die she decided to turn it into a baseball type of game. LOL  She did that for 45 minutes.  That really helped cemented those word.  There is still one word she has trouble with so we'll stick with this unit for another week. 


All About Reading

We did an activity that is a precursor to syllables.  I would slowly say a short sentence (3-4 words) and Kayleigh would lay out a block for each word.  Surprisingly, she really liked that.  I suppose Zecora the puppet helped.  We made our craft and made Ms out of play dough using our Handwriting Without Tears cards. Then she pressed "princess jewels" into the M.  Jewels + Play Doh = Happy Tot




We read a ton of princess stories this week so we added in some other princess fun.  Kayleigh often "arrived to school" dressed in her princess best.  We made princess stick puppets, a sparkly princess crown, and worked on a Tangled tot pack.  We also pulled out some of our Angelina Ballerina books with a princess theme and did some matching jigsaw puzzles.  




  1. Love the syllable/word work you did! I did something similar when I taught but it was with phonemes in words, it was called Move It and Say It, really helped the kids. The princess outfit is too cute!

  2. Visiting from Preschool Corner, I love the princess stuff! Too cute!

  3. I love all the girly stuff, princesses, etc. Our tot school will never see anything cute like that, sigh! It's all boy stuff over here. Love the splat game too.


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