Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Here it is, almost May, and I thought I'd do a quick progress check.  We've had a lot of progress. Some things are progressing quickly and others are not.

Normally at this point of our school year, we'd be nearing the end.  Due to our curriculum disaster early in the year and our new review adventure, we are not there yet.  We're just shy of the halfway point in our main curriculum.  (Sonlight Core 5 or whatever they're calling it these days.)  And we're good with that.  It's allowing us to take our time and really enjoy Sonlight's best loved core.  I haven't decided if we'll take somewhat of a year-round approach through the summer.   At any rate, we'll probably be looking at a new core around the New Year.  (Which will be weird without Dick Clark to ring it in for us.  Sad. )

Kayleigh has really been making a lot of progress.  (Not in attitude, mind you. LOL)  She has actually reached the point where she is ready to learn to read.  I had figured that she wouldn't be ready, or interested, until she was 5 at the earliest. But she's taken to her You Can Read units like a duck to water.  She's mastered 8 sight words so far.  I guess I'll have to remember how to teach someone to read.  Mackenzie taught herself so it has really been a while. lol  About 12 years, I guess.

We're starting to do her All About Reading lessons at a quicker pace, as the first half isn't challenging her as much these days.   Plus I got her the Get Ready for the Code books.  Boy is she loving those.  Mackenzie always loved those too.

There has been NO progress in my Project Life book. NONE.  I still haven't finished last year's and I haven't started this year's.  I think I'll save this year's supplies for next year. LOL

There has been progress in my digital scrapping though.  Since we're in the process of building a new house, I've started a digital scrapbook documenting the progress of the house.

Of course, this isn't up to date either. LOL  There are actually walls and a roof on it now.  I need more hours in the day!

How are things progressing at your house?



  1. So true, I could use at least four more hours in the day, plus the energy to get through them :).

  2. Not enough hours in the day is the understatement of the year! I am trying to hang on until May 17th. Then...well, then I can get back to my usual full time job of "only homeschooling!". LOL

  3. Well, I was hoping that we would wrap-up the year around 5/11, but we taken most of this week off...and there's still a bunch of work to complete. We will see. I'm SO ready for summer break though! ;)

    Great progress for Kayleigh and reading!


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