Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tot School: The Return of G

This week was another "fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants" kind of week.  We finished up with G and then we just did whatever or sometimes nothing.  It looked like this....

She asked to do a morning message one day so she could find and circle her name again.

She finished up her All About Reading unit by playing a rhyming game with "Zecora."

And practicing her letters by tracing them in shaving cream by copying our Handwriting Without Tears letter cards..

She finished up her Raising Rock Stars unit.

She did some jigsaw puzzles and beat me at Zingo.

Practiced her letters on our Handwriting Without Tears chalkboard.

And her name too.  She traced on our GIANT HWT chalk board. 

She had fun with our balance scaled and bear counters.  

Since she was so interested in the word "go" last week, I took the opportunity to see how she liked some of 1+1+1=1 You Can Read activities.  First she made the words with magnets.

Then we played sight word bingo using our Education Cubes and printables from YCR.  I love how Education Cubes has inserts for RRSP, YCR, and Letter of the Week.

She did pretty well.  She hasn't memorized any of the words yet but she was interested and had fun.  So I think we'll continue working with these four words next week and see how it goes.   We 'll be moving onto H, which we've already covered in RRSP so she'll have a bit of a break from those activities.  It'll give us some extra time to play sight word games.



  1. Your posts with your girls make school look fun.

  2. You guys always have so much fun! I want to play in the shaving cream, too! :)

  3. What a fun post! Your little girl is adorable:)


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