Sunday, March 4, 2012

Tot School: G is for Guinea Pig

Kayleigh is 4


I'm just going to confess it right up front.  We did not get much done this week.  I don't have a good reason.  I think it was partially because it was rainy and gloomy a lot so it was hard to get motivated in the morning.  And by the time we did get motivated, it was late and I HAD to get fifth grade finished.  So poor Tot School got pushed aside.  So sad...

Here's what we did do.  We started our Gg unit in Raising Rock Stars and All About Reading pre-1.  Since we were doing G, we decided to make Goodnight Moon a book focus this week.  We ate a "bowl full of mush" almost everyday.  We were having a slight obsession with homemade apple and cinnamon oatmeal so it worked out well. Yum!

I wrote her a little message on the mini-white board just for fun and asked her to circle her name.  Which she did.  Then I noticed that the sight word for our RRSP unit was "go."  Now I normally don't do anything with this words other than mention it to her in the beginning of the week.  But since "go" was in my little message, I decided to see if she could find it.   She LOVES matching things, so I gave her our RRSP "go" prop and she matched it and circled it.  Then she said that she could write that word.  So she did, much to my surprise.  Yes, the g was backwards but it was a good backwards g.  lol  She proceeded to write a billion more times.  With the g's all backwards because I didn't have the heart to correct her while she was so joyful.

The she decided to match her "go" prop with our RRSP.  She proceeded to circle all the "go's" on our Bible verse printable and on our application printable.  And the captial G's didn't even confuse her.  Maybe it's time to work on sight words a little bit.

She was enjoying the white board so much that I wrote her name on the other side and told her to copy it.  And she did a great job!

She was not as into coloring this week, as evidenced by her work on her Bible verse page and her AAR alphabet sheet.  I knew it was too good to be true last week. lol

Kayleigh was happy enough to work on writing G.

But the length of the Bible verse this week was not to her liking.  She didn't even want to hang it up on the closet door. LOL

We read Goodnight Moon a lot.  She also "read" it to me a lot. We always enjoy finding the mouse on each page.  We also talked a bit about pairs, rhyming, and did some of the Goodnight Moon printables from Homeschool Creations.

And since we were focusing on the letter G and talking about pairs this week.  Kayleigh played a lot with her favorite pair of G items.  The guinea pigs.

I guess next week, we'll be finishing up with G.  Hopefully, it will be sunnier so we can get started earlier. LOL

Click the buttons at the top of the page to see what other tots are up to.


  1. We were working on the letter G and Goodnight Moon this week too!

    Love your activities!

  2. Hi Stefanie,

    Lovely blog you have! Beautiful pictures :)
    Following you via Linky now.

  3. Well for not having a full week you seem to have gotten a TON of things done!

    I wanted to thank you for your encouraging comment that you left for me about schooling consistently. I was appreciated! :)

  4. We love Goodnight Moon! Great week!
    God Bless!

    Forest Rose


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.