Saturday, February 25, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up: The One With 'Tude

In our homeschool this week…

We are still enjoying are study on China.  We have been reading about Eric Liddell and it has been fascinating.  And we haven't really gotten to the good stuff in China.

Mackenzie and math have been aggravating me this week.  Read. The. Instructions. In. Their. Entirety.  Then do what they say. Thanks.  

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…

It was a balmy 80 degrees on Thursday.  We went to the park with our peeps.

What’s working/not working for us…

The tween attitude.  It might be in someone's best interest to zip it.  

Lately, her Writing With Skill has been causing drama as well.  We might need to switch it up next year.  Seeing how the next level probably won't be out until 2013, it was most likely going to happen anyway.

To be positive, Sonlight Core 5 (or whatever it's called this week) has been the bomb.  Can't help but love it!  Cohesive and accurate maps.  The thrill never wears off.  

I’m reading…

Ephesians and Voyager (Diana Gabaldon).  Both re-reads.  =o)

In my life this week…

I am currently hosting a give away for a 3-month membership to Jump Start Online.  It's geared for 3-12 and you can create Jumpees for multiple children with one account.  Score!  Enter HERE.



  1. What math are you using this year Stef?

    The one with "tude" uh - that could be EVERY week in my house !

  2. Sorry about the attitude! Lots of that some days around here too. Wondering what the TEEN years will be like. ;) I'll try getting in for Jump Start when we're back home and I'm not on the Kindle. LOL

  3. I hear ya about the attitude, we haven't even officially reached the tween years and we are already getting it. Glad that I'm not alone :)!

  4. We enjoyed a spring-like day here too - sure helps in the midst of February!

  5. I knew you guys would love Core 5! It's the bomb!

    Hayden's turning 13 this summer...I've had my fill of 'tude already! LOL.

    Haylee always loved Jumpstart games. I know she and Holden would love playing online. Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!

  6. Yes, 'tudes are quite popular lately. The 'tudes are coming from my boys unfortunately. :(

    Looks like a great week of school!

  7. I'm re-reading through Ephesians, too. And, I'm following your blog with Linky followers now.

  8. Yeah we have some 'tudes pretty much every week at our house. To be fair, sometimes the person with the 'tude is me... LOL

    and I feel ya on the "follow the directions" thing - my co-op class comes to mind. *sigh*


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