Friday, February 17, 2012

The Tale of Two Critters

In Our Life This Week...

This morning I was playing with my four year old, Kayleigh, when she started talking about this puppy she wanted me to buy her.  "Just a wittle puppy.  Pwease."  Uh.  No.  So my older daughter, Mackenzie, pipes in with "I had dog once. And a cat, some fish, and a hamster. " Evil monster.
Kayleigh was, naturally, outraged.  "Where's my furry fwend?"   Well dear.  Mackenzie didn't have a sister to play with like you do, so she needed a furry friend.  Then Mommy decided that she didn't like them so they left.  Insert whining and pleading here.  Uh. No.  So I said that when Mackenzie goes away to college then maybe she could get a guinea pig or something.  Of course she'll have forgotten about that by then. lol
So Mackenzie gets all hopped up and they start looking at pictures of guinea pigs online.  Kayleigh is enthralled.  She finds one she "wuvs" and promptly names it Cherry.  That is "Cherry" to your right.  Lovely isn't she?  
By now I'm rofl because she is talking about it like she has it.   She talked about "Cherry"  all.  day. long.  For REALZ!  Then Kevin, my hubby, came home and she tells him all about Cherry the guinea pig that I said she could have.   Kevin was like what?  (I am nothing if not forthright with my loathing of animals in my home.  I'm not sure why, as I had tons of pets as a child.  Maybe that's why.  I know the work involved and there's no reward for me because I don't want a dog on my couch let alone on my lap. Too much extra vacuuming and febreezing.)  I said that I sure did say that she could have a guinea pig when Mackenzie went off to college and she was lonely for her sister.  
My husband, who doesn't want any animal's here either, is all...lets go look at guinea pigs and see what they're like. Hardy har har.
I didn't think that was a terrible idea because I figured she's be scared to death of it like she is with most critters.  Wrong!  That lady grabbed one of those fat little piggies and she was all over it.  "Oh Cherry. I wuv you so much." (Interestingly, "Cherry" didn't look at all the one she loved on the internet. Ha!) It was all she wrote for Kevin.  He has no backbone at all.  Sheesh!  They didn't even have to whine or plead. Such a light weight.
Me I would've told her heck no and then started taking pictures of her crying.  That's how I roll.  So now Cherry and Luna are living in Mackenzie's room.  Mackenzie gets the joy of cleaning their cage cuz I already did my time cleaning guinea pig cages as a child.  Ironically, Kevin won't touch them.  lol

As God as my witness, there are really, really, really the last animals that will be allowed to live with me.  LOL  Seriously.  I mean it.  

And because Mackenzie's earlier comments about the pets she's had led to this mutiny, I bought her a book on guinea pigs and she has to write me a report on them for "science."   Ha!



  1. Hahahaha! Sounds like our house and our giggly girls. We, too, have been the home of several guinea pigs. Only one at the moment!!! GoOd LuCk! Thanks for sharing

  2. ROFL Classic!!! Better you than me with the furry "fwends" though. ;-)

  3. Awe! How cute! And the girls look so happy (pleased? LOL) with their new pets! What's a couple of guinea pigs? ;) We have a dog, cat, 55 gallon fish tank, 1 gallon fish (for Sam's Beta "Fish"), and 7 hens! Guess what? Our 2 ducklings are supposed to hatch in 2 days! (A Dad with girls on Cati's basketball team is incubating a bunch.) We really should have bought a farm! LOL

  4. See I just give in all the time about animals. We have a Pug, 3 cats, and a Bearded Dragon. We had a guinea pig, but he died a few months ago. We also feed the birds out front of the house. Our son wants a bird in the house, but I haven't given in on that yet. But will soon I'm sure.

  5. Stef, you totally cracked us up with this one! Steve says to tell you the natural progression of animals from here on out is guinea pig to ferret, ferret to cat, cat to dog, and a couple of years from now, a Jack Hanna Wildlife Preserve in your back yard. ROFL. You'll see!

  6. That's too funny! I think maybe your hubby should have a turn cleaning cages, lol The girls are adorable as are Cherry and Luna. Very sweet...enjoyed reading this. Oh and great idea...buying the book and requiring a report.

  7. Oh my goodness! That's a wonderful story! Those look like two happy little girls. :)

  8. Hello. You stopped in to my blog (Starts At Eight) from WW. I was wondering what you have chosen to use since First Language Lessons does not continue on? I did not know this was the case until you commented I my blog! I kept checking the website to see if anything new had come up!

  9. Awww- so sweet. Noodle has a Guinea Pig named Daisy and we all love her!


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.