Friday, January 13, 2012

Weekly Wrap-Up: The One Without Any Pictures

It was a rather uneventful week of homeschooling this week.  Well as long as you don't count sour attitudes.  I am NOT enjoying the pre-teen hormones and drama.  At.  All.

There's been a lot of math going on at our house.  Our regular, and much loved, Math-U-See along with a couple of review items.  She should be dreaming about math at this point.  lol

We're finishing up our unit on the respiratory system.  Did you know that the force behind a sneeze is equivalent to hurricane force winds?  When we were talking about the trachea the book suggested feeling your next to feel the cartilage rings.  She refused because apparently all body parts freak her out.  She reacted the same way when learning about her ribs. Strange child. Next week we'll finish up the unit with a couple of experiments.

In social studies we're continuing on with our study of Japan.  We're still reading about Commodore Perry's  interactions with Japan.  It is such a fascinating look into the Japanese culture. It's amazing that Japan was able to remain so reclusive for so long.  Mackenzie was also reading The Cat Who Went to Heaven and has now moved on to Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes.  Our read aloud is Tales of a Korean Grandmother but Mackenzie has taken to reading it herself because she just couldn't wait for her sister's nap time to see what happens next.

Sonlight's Eastern Hemisphere Explorer continues to go really well.  I was really worried about this resource because I've heard that it can take hours to work through the assignments.  Mackenzie, however, has done really well with them.  It's never taken her more than 20 minutes for her to complete her assignments.  Maybe she has a knack for research.  She is a bit slow about getting the "Choose Your Own Adventures" done though.  They're either research/report activities or a bit on the crafty side.  I don't think she likes crafts as much as she claims. LOL  She gets that from me.  Of course, I'm totally open with my craft aversion.

Language arts is going.  She's been working on adverbs this week and she started working in The Creative Writer.  She was learning about plot lines and such.  In her Writing With Skill she's been working on figurative language, metaphors and similes in particular.  Mackenzie thought those were quite fun.

At the moment, that is all I can recall.  I'm almost 40 and a half so my mind isn't what it once was.  If only I hadn't left last weeks lesson plan sheet in the school room.  But, on the bright side, I did get my wrap-up done on a Friday.  It's been forever since I've managed to accomplish that.

Check out other Wrap-Ups over at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.


  1. Just curious as to when you will turn 40. I think we are close in age and girl I can so relate!!

    I can also relate to the teen drama and I have a boy, lol!!

  2. Looks like a good week:)
    Lizzie TOS Crew

  3. We are having the pre-teen drama at our house too. I just keep thinking "this too shall pass." : )

  4. I could use that excuse, too, but I'm not quite ready to claim it.

  5. Did you know that sneezing into your elbow contains all the spray better than anything else to prevent spreading germs? We learned that from MythBusters. ;-)

    I planned to do my wrap-ups on Friday afternoon, and managed for one week. Just did it now - late Saturday. Oh well, try again next week!

  6. I need to get back to weekly wrap-ups. Got outta the habit. But no pictures? I think this is a blogging mortal sin. Lol


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