Saturday, December 3, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up: A Day Late

So not only have I not "Wrapped-Up" for two weeks, here I am finally getting around to it and I'm a day late.  Better late then never I guess.  Thanksgiving house guests, illness, the Christmas play at church have cut into my blogging time.

We had Thanksgiving week off because my in-laws came to town.  I'd like to say that we showed them a wonderful time but the little one got sick so we didn't get to do much in the way of fun.  But it was nice to be able to visit with them.

We are currently in our "Christmas School" mode.  We have a more laid back schedule for the holiday season with more of a focus on Advent.

For Bible we are reading the Jotham's Journey devotional.  I just LOVE this series!  We look forward to it every day.  It's been a bit of a challenge this week because I've had a terrible cough and can barely talk but we plug away. LOL

We've dropped our normal social studies, Sonlight Core F, for the moment.  Since we couldn't get a refund from Winter Promise, I decided to use all of those Christmas books that I had sitting on the shelf.  I debated about whether or not to use their schedule or create my own.  Due, in large part, to my laziness I decided to use theirs.  I also thought it would be a hoot to see how what "gems" they had in store for us.

There's not too much to report about it actually.  It turns out they didn't go too deep into their Christmas around the world unit.  (Shocking, I know. LOL)  This week we "studied" China, Japan, Russia and the Ukraine.  Studying consisted of about a paragraph or two about each country and our choice of crafts from the book.  I guess that fits perfectly with our laid back Christmas mindset though. LOL  But we find ourselves wanting to know more so we spent some time scouring the internet because WP didn't really recommend any additional material for digging deeper.  

I do have one WP funny.  We're reading a book filled with Christmas Classics and our first assignment was interesting.  Not!  We had to read the introduction.  The introduction was 3 incredibly boring pages about how the stories were chosen.  Why we had to read that instead of a story, I'll never know.  But hey they once suggested I read a list of country names instead of the interesting facts about the countries.  I don't claim to understand a thing about this company.

So this week we made a Chinese pagoda nativity (pictured), a Japanese fan, and we are going to make a Russian fabric ornament but hit a snag with supplies.  So we'll get to it on Monday, I guess.

As far as other subjects, I've been picking and choosing.  We did math, Writing With Skill, science, and spelling.  Math will remain constant but I'll switching out the other subjects according to my whims.  =o)

We had some awesome progress on Writing With Skill.  It's meant for the student  to work fairly independently but Mackenzie has been quite needy in the "hand-holding" to complete the assignments.  But this week she had a breakthrough and she did all 4 assignments without any help!  And she even said that one of them was a lot of fun.  Woot!!!

We are going to see a local theater group perform The Best Christmas Pageant Ever next week, so that has been her reader.  We are looking forward to that.  And we'll probably watch the movie too so we can compare performances.

And that is pretty much our week.  Check out other Wrap-Ups over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.


  1. Sounds like a good week. I love homeschooling and the ability to be flexible, especially during this busy time!

  2. Sounds like a good week. I am a little disappointed there were no knee slappers about WP. LOL

  3. I almost never get my weekly wrap-up done till Sunday. I'm working on it now, actually. LOL

    I love the nativity pagoda thing! I want to make one!

  4. Great week of learning. My kids want to read The Best Christmas Pagent ever so we're going to get it from the library this week.

  5. We're also reading Jotham's Journey and loving it! I've been meaning to do it with my girls for years and could never remember to get the book in time. This year I actually planned ahead!

  6. oh good for you for reading the introductions ... I hate 'em!

  7. We are reading Jotham's Journey this year, too. One night when I was really tired the girls took turns reading instead. I wish all of our books kept them asking for more the way this story does.


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