Sunday, November 6, 2011

Tot School: Raising Rock Stars Ii

Kayleigh is 44 months old
Last week Kayleigh wasn’t in a mood for school so I had nothing to report.  This week we moved on to our next Raising Rock Star unit: I.  We didn’t finish the unit this week but that’s not much of a surprise because it’s been taking us two weeks for all of the units so far. 
Our memory verse was Philippians 4: 13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  She pretty much has it down but getting her to say for me is always a challenge.  Kayleigh only does what she wants to do when she wants to do it. Story of my life.  Sigh…
She colored her verse.
Cut and taped her verse together.  At first she was a little disappointed by the length but then she was feeling silly so we have a happy picture. lol
2011-10_School-22 2011-10_School-16
She cut out her vocabulary cards. 
A little pre-writing to get her ready to write I.
She did some inchworm counting from Confessions of a Homeschooler.
Sorting big and little Ii, also from COAH.
Dot painting an ice cream cone.  I’m pretty sure this was from COAH too but it might have been from Making Learning Fun.   The inchworm magnet page was from COAH.
Kayleigh is helping me with an upcoming review so she’s been doing some extra art projects.  Watch for the review for more details.
We had foam blocks, Thanksgiving Little People, and Stacking Pegs in our star boxes.  I have a feeling the Little People will not be leaving the star boxes anytime soon. LOL
Our game for this week was Sequence for Kids.  A wonderful friend gave it to us and it was a big hit.
Click the buttons at the top of the page to see what other tots have been up too. 

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  1. I like the inchworm counting. That looks like something my little boy would enjoy too. Liam has days when he doesn't want to do learning time too.

  2. Yet another reminder for me to look for dot paint markers for the kiddos I work with. Looks like your sweetie is enjoying her art. I have an art link up every Thursday; if you do posts like this often please consider linking with my Virtual Refrigerator.

  3. Ugh! You are so organized you make me sick! :-( Just kidding...kind of...:-) I really do love your organization and wish I was more organized with our homeschool stuff. Great post. I have a pre-school/kindergartner that I'm going to try some of your ideas out with.

  4. What wonderful works you do. Your girls truly seem happy and engaged! Keep enjoying!

  5. I just love the name of the unit - that is awesome! "I can do all things through Christ..." is one of my all-time favorite verses too. Looks like so much fun for you and for Kayleigh!

  6. Kayleigh does sound strong willed, lol. LOVE that pic of her sticking her tongue out while holding her verse! Looks like a great week! Loved your 2 for 1 wrap up post, too. =) It's always fun reading your updates. =) And for the record, YOU do fun stuff too!

  7. Just saw your link on the new blog roll, and I had to say that I *love* that picture. It's so cute, and it cracks me up :)

  8. Fun week! I love her silly face in the verse picture. I think it is so humorous that the length of the Bible verse is so important to her! It's so funny the things that littles choose to really care about (mine have quite a few crazy things they think are important too)


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