Saturday, October 1, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up: The One With Proper Maps

Ahhh, what a week!  A peaceful, educational week without me having to deal with tons of errors and tears.  Obviously we started back with Sonlight this week.  <insert content sigh here>

Here’s our run down


I had ordered Sonlight’s bible program so we started that this week.  I’ve always been pleased with Sonlight’s bible selection and this one was no exception.  We are using Remembering Gd’s Awesome Acts, which is a study on Genesis and Exodus.  It touts i self as a “Create-a-Notebook Bible and History Series” and that’s a fairly accurate description.  And you actually read the Bible. Everyday.

In the six weeks that we were using Winter Promise they didn’t schedule one Bible reading.  Really.  I’m  not making that up.  That’s why we were also using the Bible Study Guide for All Ages. 


The first lesson had an awesome activity to show how our lives, if we approach history from God’s viewpoint, color and affect the world.


DSC_0005redo  The study also incorporates other curriculum areas such as history, geography, art, writing, etc.  Love that.  And the notebooking pages are really nice.



Math was a bit of a thorn in our sides this week.  She was learning about equivalent fractions and decided to freak out when she didn’t catch on right away.  Her main problems: freaking out and not reading the directions.  Had she bothered to read the directions or listen to me as I explained things, the freak outs would not have been necessary.  It’s a miracle we both survived. 


We started our unit on muscles this week.  DSC_0032redo

We had some fun testing our reflexes when we talked about our nerves controlling our muscles.

We also did a little experiment to show how quickly muscles can get fatigued, particularly muscles that you might not use as often.  She had to hold out her arm for 5 minutes.  It might have been easier had she been a ballerina. LOL


Language Arts

As you might recall, we haven’t started our LA spines yet because we’re waiting for Advanced Language Lessons and Writing With Skill to be released.  They were originally scheduled to be released in the fall so I was checking to see the status, seeing as it’s now fall.  I wasn’t happy with what I discovered.  The release dates have been pushed back to Janurary.  Wahhhhhhhhhh!!!

Why????  I don’t know.  The slight upside is that they are offering up PDF manuscripts of both. For free.  They’re not the final draft but pretty close.  The down side is that I don’t really care to read much on the computer screen, plus I’ll have to print all the worksheets. 

I’m going to give them both a whirl as I was able to load the books onto my iPad and I like reading off that over the computer.  As for the possible rough draft errors, I doubt that they’ll be as extensive as the junk Winter Promise made me pay for.

And I’m extra excited that the Writing With Skill requires a lot less parental involvement.  Nice…

Social Studies

This week we started our replacement for Winter Promise, Sonlight’s Core F,  Eastern Hemisphere.   It focuses on Australia, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.  90% of the world’s unevangelized people live in those areas.  I’m sure you can see where this core is going.  Oh yeah, it goes there day one. 

Just reading the into to 100 Gateway Cities touched both my daughter and I.  Add to that the story of missionaries, John and Helen Dekker, and we were invested already.

Part of WP’s study was the plight of the children around the world.  I was interested in that a lot but it turned out to be a few books filled with dry statistics.  We never got invested.  I’m glad we found what was missing because I feel that thinking outside of herself is important to my daughter’s education.

Along with this portion of the study is the Eastern Hemisphere Explorer (EHE) which is the more factual and geographical part of the study.  Sonlight describes it best…

Tour 14 Eastern Hemisphere countries in-depth through maps, a timeline, though-provoking questions and creative projects. Especially valuable as a springboard to help students become great researchers. Students will use the World Book Encyclopedia to answer many of the questions, but will also develop research skills through use of outside sources. Your student will need your help, initially, to engage in this level of research.


And I’ve just got to mention that the maps are accurate.  Woo-hoo!!!!!  And it comes with an answer key. Oh yeah!


We’re currently studying the Pacific Islands and she’s enjoying  EHE so far.  Her creative project, which they refer to as a Choose Your Own Adventure, is to make a colorful map of an island resort.  We’ll be sure to share that with you all when we’re finished.

Other Stuff

Piano is going splendidly.  The private lessons are really helping her progress a lot faster.  She’s learned 3 new hand positions this week and is loving the challenge.

Her art class is also going well.  They’re working on some big project that I haven’t seen yet but she’s enjoying the class.

It’s finally stopped raining long enough for the soccer fields to dry and my laundry load has gotten a lot easier.  Yay me!!

Visual Latin is still the bomb.  We’re on lesson 5 and I’m about ready to write my review. 

I still have not heard back from Winter Promise regarding the refund or the errors in the mapping program that he promised to get back to me about.  I wasn’t really expecting him to, but one would hope that they’d at least be concerned about the errors.   Maybe next week. <insert my eyeroll here>

Check out the other Wrap-Ups over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers



  1. I can hear your sign of relief and contentment from here! LOL And see Kenzie's smile (except for some Math).

    Me? Do neat stuff? You too! LOL

  2. Glad to see you've found something that works for you. Core F was a favorite when my daughter completed it several years ago.

  3. That sounds awesome! oh and my duo are 5th gradish too.(lol we do not really go by grades but they are that age)I think I would like to try out a Bible program like that with my daughter next year. (and maybe read it to my son)

    Math is a sore subject in our home too. I wanted to get teaching textbooks but it wasn't in our budget so we keep plugging along with our Mastering Mathematics. It's a good program but the kids are getting bored with it.

  4. Your science looks like fun. Mucsle fatigue- good example.

  5. So glad to hear that at least your side of the Winter Promise pain is finished. Now if they'd only keep their end of the agreement, or at least respond in a morally prudent way, that would be such a blessing! Glad to hear that your new week went better!


  6. Core 5 was one of my all time favorite school years. I use and LOVE Tapestry of Grace now, but just reading your post has me thinking how I can do Core 5 again and combine it with TOG in a few years for my youngest.

    Remembering God's Awesome Acts was - well - awesome! One of my favorite activities in that book was the skulls activity - awesome actually.

    The EHE pages were so fun too and SOOOOOOOOOOO much was learned from them. It has been 4 years since we did Core 5, but we still use the World Book Encyclopedia software - love it!

  7. Yay for good maps! So glad your week went better. :)

  8. What a busy week :-) I am glad that Piano is going well :-)

  9. Thanks for stopping by my blog with an encouraging comment! I enjoyed reading your Weekly Wrap Up. I'm going to check out Sonlight's Bible curriculum as the one I chose for oldest seems a bit dull and difficult for him. Glad I stopped by :)

  10. I'm so glad you found something that works and is accurate! I hope that Winter Promise does the right thing by you. I used one of their programs for a brief time, too, and was sorely disappointed by all of the erros and disjointedness. You would think they would work harder on fixing those things before selling them to people.


We love your comments. It makes the girls giggle even more.