Sunday, October 16, 2011

Tot School: Ballerinas

Kayleigh is 44 months old


Lately we’ve been “working” on a ballerina unit.  Kayleigh’s been a bit disinterested in school lately so we didn’t do as much as I had planned. 

Our ballerina activities came from 1+1+1=1 and Confessions of a Homeschooler.



This cute little ballerina puzzle also gave us some counting practice.


We did some more counting with the spin and graph activity.  She always loves the graphing because we use stickers. 



She did some pre-writing exercises.  Some days she does really well and others she just draws a line wherever she wants. 




We worked those scissors skills.  She did a great job on the first line but had a much harder time with the more complicated ones. 



These transportation puzzles have nothing to do with ballerinas but she did them every day.



She matched “mommy and baby” letters.  And she did it all

on her own and named the letters.  She can be very tight-lipped about what she knows so it was awesome to get a clue about what she knows. lol



She dotted painted “mommy and baby” Bbs as I called them out.



Ballerina “spelling”.  She hasn’t done this in quite a while so she did it over and over. 


She colored a ballerina and attempted to stay within the lines.  At least at first. lol


We finally finished our Raising Rock Stars H craft.  Honor your father and mother.  I think she captured our likeness quite well.  Except that I’d never be caught dead in a dress.  =o) Plus I have more hair.  A lot more.



She drew this adorable picture of her daddy.  She’s really been missing him, as he’s in Germany.  Lucky guy!


We read her favorite book every day.  Especially the creation story.  It has a picture of a snake.

We also read a ton of Angelina Ballerina books and watched a few videos.  When Mackenzie was little she loved Angelina so we own tons.  And I also found some Angelina Ballerina apps for the iPad.  She really loved those.

We also took a fun field trip to the local children’s museum.  Here’s some of her favorite parts.

Childrens MuseumChildrens Museum-12

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Click the Tot School button at the top of the page to see what other tots have been up to.


  1. Cute! My daughter is OBSESSED with Angelina Ballerina - we are going to have to do this pack sometime!

  2. Looks like a good week! Even if you didn't accomplish everything you planned, a lot of learning happened!

    I understand about uncooperative almost-4-year olds who are tight-lipped about what they know. Is that the age?

    I love the picture of mommy & daddy...glad you pointed out that you have more hair ;)

  3. My 7 year old enjoys ballet and just recently we put her in another studio which is Christian based and so much better than what we were in. I'll have to check out this unit and see if there would be anything that she could do.

    Over from the Crew


  4. LOVE the ballerina unit. I can't wait for my girl to be a bit older to do more of the girly themes. We've had our fair share of transportation, insect, and snail interests, lol.

  5. I love doing girly things with my two girls. This looks like so much fun for yours.


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