Monday, August 8, 2011

(Not) Back-to-School Blog Hop: Week Two, The School Room

This week's topic is the school room.  We are very blessed to have a dedicated space for school and storage.  I'm not saying that we do all of our work there but quite a bit.

Looking in from the door.  Our main bookshelves, which house some of our Sonlight cores, tot books, instructor guides, and whatever else I shove on there.   On the right, holding my beloved Canon printer, is the shelf where I keep Kayleigh's activities.  She used to have tot trays on the lower shelves but I need those shelves for books.  So the trays are now in drawers.   In the center is Kayleigh's table and in back is Mackenzie's keyboard.  It has a place of honor next to my laminator.  =o)

Standing in the back of the room you can see the desks for Mackenzie and I.  Since we've moved to all Macs I can now keep my current IGs where the cpu tower used to go.  I LOVE that they are right next to me when I need them.  It might be my favorite part of the room at the moment. LOL

The other side of the room is a lot of storage.  Math manipulatives, art supplies, science stuff, educational toys and games.  The closet there is chock full too.  It's still semi-organized since our redo last year.  (If you're bored, go check out the before pictures in our school room makeover.   Frightening. LOL)

Things I'd like to change...

The wall color.  It red doesn't go at all with my colorful trofast bins from IKEA.  It was red when we moved in.  That I might be able to change soon since the it's chief-selectee season and those guys will be looking to make $$$$.  They'd be happy to move all of those bookshelves and paint.  

I'd rather have just a window instead of the door wall.  That's never going to happen while I live there.  I don't care that much.

More wall space to hang maps and such.  

The tinkerbell table.  It clashes and I don't like things with characters on them. LOL  I'm still kicking myself for not getting a little table for Kayleigh while we were at IKEA spending all of our money.   Still tinkerbell is better than nothing.  I'll fix that next time.

All in all I love it.  The furniture, except for Tink, all comes from Ikea.  I've got Billy Bookshelves, lots of Trofast storage bins, and I don't remember the name of the desk.  The chairs are from are old dining set though. 


  1. Very nice! I like the drawer system you have.

  2. Love your school room! I've never been able to go to an Ikea, but I have a feeling we'd be in trouble if I ever did!

  3. Wonderful! How nice to have such a large space.

  4. You have a beautiful room! Love the bordered art wall. Gotta love the laminator:)

  5. You have a super room, very nicely organized. Have a great school year.

  6. Your school room is beautiful! And so organized!

  7. We're remodeling, and I want the Billy bookshelves! Great room!

  8. Love the IKEA look! I'm visiting from the(not)Back to School blog hop. Have a great school year.

  9. You've got a great space here- very organized and lots of great light. It's definitely girly! (LOVE that Tinkerbell table!) Thanks for sharing!

  10. You are so lucky to have all that space and fun organization bins! I wonder if you could take the top off your Tinkerbell table and recover it with cute oilcloth. I use the coated tablecloths from walmart for the kid's craft table- they are usually cheap in the holiday sections!

  11. Sad... sad confession.... I have never been to IKEA {hangs head in shame...}

    I LOVE your room! One day we'll have a dedicated school room.

    I love all your book cases and the shelf thingy that holds the totes!

    {thanks for stopping by :)}

  12. awesome room! have a GREAT school year!!!
    Angela @ Kinder Days

  13. I love all your IKEA shelving! It's a good thing that our IKEA is 3 hours away, or things could get bad :-) What color were you thinking of switching to?

  14. What a great room! I actually like the wall color. Thanks for stopping by my weekly wrap up. :)

  15. Love your room! All this Ikea organization I've been seeing is making me slightly envious! :) I'm using hand me down, garage saled, thrifted, junked bookshelves. Someday I will have beautiful storage like you! :) Great room...and I agree with the character stuff. Not a huge fan myself, but a table is nice to have!

  16. So funny that you wrote that you don't like the paint color...because I was going to comment on how much I liked it! :) I guess it doesn't go with the bins, but the room looks so inviting and polished with that sort of color. Great room!

  17. Very cute set-up! I love the Ikea stuff and everything looks so neat and organized. Have a good school year!

  18. That is almost my dream schoolroom! Wow! Very nice! Love all the book shelves!

  19. You have a great school room! I'm trying to avoid coveting. LOL


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