Friday, June 3, 2011

Weekly Wrap-Up: The One with a Road Trip

We are one week out from ending our school year.  It's always bitter sweet.  We're always excited to have a nice break and we look forward to starting our new year.  However, I'm always a bit bummed to see my babies leaving one grade for another.  Wah!!!

We had a nice little day trip this week.  My niece in the state for some softball tournament that her boyfriend was coaching.  So we hopped in the car and drove four hours so we could spend some time with her.  And we got to visit the Natural Bridge.   Beautiful.

So here are the highlights of our trip.  Our let the pictures do most of the talking.

Some beautiful Blue Mountain scenery along the drive.

There was a little butterfly habitat near the bridge.  Great timing for our science study.  (Bad lighting though. LOL)

There was also a Toy Museum that I found highly insulting.  It was filled with toys that I played with as a child.  Apparently I'm that old. LOL  It was also filled with creepy dolls that looked like they wanted to hurt you.  Shudder...

Lots of beautiful scenery

There's my niece!!  

An authentic Monacan village

More scenery

Tadpoles and waterfalls too

Check out the other wrap-ups over at Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers.


  1. Wow! That was quite a field trip! Nature! Toys! (That doll IS scary!) Butterflies! Tadpoles! When do you start your new year?

  2. What a great trip. I love the Monacan village! Awesome.

    I agree, that doll is SCARY. :)

  3. I love the scenic photos! It looks like great fun :)

  4. What a great trip!!!! Such a huge variety of very interesting and beautiful things to see. Which I could have been there. Thanks for taking us along!

  5. Wow! What a beautiful, relaxing, and fun field trip! What a neat bridge!! I've never seen anything like it! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

  6. my daughter keeps saying she wants to take a "road trip" this summer...something like this is right up her ally!

  7. oh my word, that's a Stabbity Nana doll if I ever saw one!! :shudder: I hate seeing "antiques" that I remember from my own childhood. 8-(


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