Sunday, May 8, 2011

Tot School: O is for Ocean

Kayleigh is 38 months
This week we worked on the letter Oo.  We used a lot of Confessions of A Homeschooler’s O is for Octopus printables.   I decided to expand the octopus theme to ocean because we live Atlantic coast.  She had a lot of fun and asked to do extra school several times.
Here she is working on her fine motor skills by tracing the lines.   I made this to go along with our ocean theme.  I made an “easy” version with just straight lines and an “advanced” version with more complicated tracing.  She did both but wasn’t very cooperative with the “advanced.”  By then she just wanted to scribble. 
You can download them here and here
She did some gem spooning and whale eraser tonging into our beach themed ice tray.  The tongs came from a kids cooking set that I got at IKEA.
Her favorite activity with this tray was feeding her “ugly baby” cereal. LOL
She sorted objects according to day or night time activities.  I made the mat and I got the sorting cards from Hubbard’s Cupboard.
No letter study would be complete with out a magnet page and letter matching from Confessions of a Homeschooler.
She worked in her Kumon Let’s Color and Let’s Fold books.  This was her first time using the folding book and she thought it was great fun.
She choose her Mega Blocks during free choice.  She built a tower for her Rapunzel, Flynn Rider, and Pascal dolls.  She loves those things. LOL
I made an Ocean Bingo game and she beat sissy twice.
Her many instruments are always a favorite activity.
Sissy’s butterflies for science started hatching and she was fascinated.  Here she is trying to feed them with a baby bottle. LOL
Later she tried to catch them with her net. LOL
She said she wanted to touch one but quickly changed her mind.DSC_0329redots
Our new sensory bin has a garden theme.
It contains:
Black Beans for dirt
Plastic Bugs ($ store)
Shovel and Rake ($ store)
Watering Can ($ store)
Gardening Gloves ($ Store)
Fake Flowers (AC Moore)
Stones ($ Store)
Vase (plastic cup $ store)
To say that she loved it is an understatement.    I’m not sure I did.  Wood floors, beans EVERYWHERE.  I put down a large blanket the next time but she worked around it.  Sigh…
She made an Ocean Animal color book from 1+1+1=1.
She also did octopus patterning,  coloring, and counting from Confessions of a Homeschooler
We rounded out our week with a bike ride along the Atlantic ocean.
Be sure to check out what the other tots are up to by clicking the button at the top of the page.


  1. Love your ocean theme!! We are doing ocean/beach this week too!! And I love your beach pictures!! Too cute!

  2. What a great week!!!! Love that she tried to feed the butterflies with a baby bottle!=) Also love the pics of the ocean!!!!!! I'm looking forward to our beach vacation in less than a month!=)
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!


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