Monday, April 18, 2011

Tot School: The One with Yet Another Incident

Kayleigh is 38 months
Tot School

It was a light week for Tot School this week.  Kayleigh was not really interested in anything beyond our new sensory bin and our ressurection egg activities.  

Our new sensory bin...

Easter grass, plastic eggs, bouncy egg balls, little egg koosh balls, Easter erasers, pastel pom poms, felt Easter basket.  Mainly from Target dollar spot and the Dollar Tree

She started hiding the bouncy eggs for her sister

She hid them in the same spot every time. LOL

She decided the grass was hair and started brushing it

All of the resurrection egg activities game from 2 Teaching Mommies.  I love them.  Here our some of her favorites.

Day 1 Jesus enters Jerusalem

Coloring Page

Roll and Count Game

Day 2 Jesus Betrayed for silver coins

Coloring page

Counting thirty coins

Day 3 The Cup~This was a really cute lesson on
how our sin makes us look "ugly" to God

And how Jesus washed our sins away.  
We went on a field trip with friends to a couple of museums this week.  Field trips are generally boring for poor Kayleigh as they are geared toward her sister and they involve Mackenzie's friends.  Poor Kayleigh's life revolves around sissy's activities a little to often.  Here's a few shots of her making the best of another incredibly boring situation.

She finally found somebody her own age to play with. LOL

And if a boring day with her sister's friends weren't bad enough, she spent the evening at the ER.  Again.    Kayleigh and Mackenzie were playing tickle fight or something and we thought she broke her wrist.  Just a bad bruise and a slight sprain.   I'm expecting CPS to show up any day now.

And that was poor Kayleigh's week.  We're going to hold off on our normal Tot School stuff again this week and just do our Easter activities.   Hopefully the poor girl will survive without a trip to the ER.

Opps!  I forgot about Kayleigh's first trip to the circus.  The highlight of her week.  And her arm was feeling better by then.  =o)

Click on the button at the top of the page and see what the other tots are up too.

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