Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Review: How to Be God’s Little Princess by Sheila Walsh

When I saw that How to Be God’s Little Princess was up for review, I had to jump on it.  My three year old just loves the series.  We own many books and movies featuring “Gigi.”

How to Be God’s Little Princess: Royal Tips for Manners, Etiquette, and True Beauty is a book about teaching our daughters what it means to be God’s little princess as opposed to creating that spoiled, little princess attitude that is so prevalent in our society.  It’s geared towards the elementary to tween set.

The book touches on every thing from manners, dressing modestly (gasp!), respecting family, to surfing the web safely,  what to do if someone hurts your feelings, and, most importantly, how to follow Jesus.   It can serve as a great list of things that every parent should be discussing with their daughters.
My ten year old daughter grabbed it  as soon as it arrived and I had to pry it out of her grasp to read it for the review. LOL  So here are her thoughts on the book.

Mackenzie said, “ The book was fun and entertaining and never boring.  It helped me to learn to control my temper and be nicer to my family.  It has little Bible verses in it and they helped me feel closer to God.”

Judging from how often she is reads this book, I’d have to say that we give it two thumbs up and our highest recommendations.

I received a copy of this book as part of the Book Sneeze program.  All opinions are my own. (Or my daughters.)

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